Saturday, 29 December 2018

The Coffee Pot Book Club Historical Non-Fiction Book Of The Year Award 2018 — Virgin to Victoria By Trisha Hughes #BookAward #History #MustRead @TrishaHughes_

The Coffee Pot Book Club
Book Of The Year Award
The Award for Best Historical Non-Fiction Of 2018 

The Gold Medal Winner

Virgin to Victoria
By Trisha Hughes

The Silver Medal Winner

The Complete King Arthur:
Many Faces, One Hero
By John Matthews & Caitlín Matthew

The Bronze Medal Winner

Rome & Jerusalem
By Martin Goodman

Congratulations to all the winners!

Friday, 28 December 2018

The Coffee Pot Book Club — Historical Romance Book Of The Year 2018

The Coffee Pot Book Club
Historical Romance Book Of The Year

Gold Medal Winner

Forsaking All Other
By Catherine Meyrick

Silver Medal Winner

The Laird of Blackloch:
Book 2 in the Highland Rogue Series
By Amy Rose Bennett

Bronze Medal Winner

A Ring of Midnight Orchids:
Flowers of the Aristocracy
(Untamed Regency Book 3)
By Jackie Williams

Honourable Mention

A Gentleman’s Promise
By Penny Hampson

Congratulations to all the winners!

Thursday, 27 December 2018

The Coffee Pot Book Club Debut Book Of The Year Award 2018 — The Black Lions of Flanders (The King's Germans Book #1) By Dominic Fielder #BookAward #HistoricalFiction @Kings_Germans

The Coffee Pot Book Club
Book Of The Year
Special Award For Debut Historical Fiction


The Award for Best
 Debut Historical Fiction

The Black Lions of Flanders
(The King's Germans Book #1)
By Dominic Fielder


The Coffee Pot Book Club — Historical Fiction Book Of The Year 2018

The Coffee Pot Book Club
Historical Fiction Book Of The Year

The Gold Medal Winner

The Beaufort Woman
 (Beaufort Chronicles #2)
By Judith Arnopp

The Silver Medal Winner

Gifts of the Gods: Iron and Bronze
By Thomas J. Berry


Queen of the North
By Anne O’Brien

The Bronze Medal Winner 

Blood and Ink
By D. K. Marley

Honourable Mention

By Love Divided
By Elizabeth St.John


Sons of the Wolf:
Sons of the Wolf : Book #1
By Paula Lofting


War King
By Eric Schumacher


Honour the Dead
By John Anthony Miller

Congratulations to all the winners!

Saturday, 22 December 2018

#BookReview — Gifts of the Gods: Iron and Bronze by Thomas J. Berry #AncientGreece #BookAward @TBerryAuthor

Gifts of the Gods: Iron and Bronze
By Thomas J. Berry

Five men and women in Ancient Greece are set on a dangerous journey of self-discovery during the bitter conflict of the Peloponnesian War.

Fifty years after King Leonidas of Sparta and his brave 300 fought to the death against Xerxes' Persian hordes at Thermopylae, a long and bloody rivalry erupted between the new superpowers of the era. The world of Ancient Greece in 480 B.C. was evolving into a new landscape. The isolated, socialist regime that grew from their king's sacrifice soon found itself at a vital crossroads with the democratic empire of Athens. The Peloponnesian War was not just a battle for political ideology but a brutal military campaign pitting the world's strongest army against the most powerful navy that ever sailed the seas. The fallout from this consummate struggle would change the course of human history forever.

Amidst the battlefields, ordinary men and women continue to work together behind walled cities and open farmland in order to survive. The Olympic festivals honor the gods with their renowned athletic contests and one woman finds herself in a deadly gamble when she must make an agonizing choice. A young helot slave longs for freedom while a new wife imperils herself to stand by her husband and home. When a wealthy aristocrat finds his world turned upside down, he must learn what true sacrifice and honor are all about. A Spartan officer who has lived by a strict code of tradition must discover new ways to cope in an unconventional war.

Five people from different walks of life must adapt to their changing world while remaining true to themselves. Who will survive the war and what will their lives be like when it's over?

War brings a great opportunity for some — death for others. 

The year is 432BC and as the spectators gather to honour the gods and to witness the might and grace of the Olympic Games, the threat of war continues to rumble. For Kallipateira, her only concern is for her son, Peisirodos. She has trained him well, but only time will tell if he will follow in his ancestors’ footsteps and win the coveted Olympic laurel.

For Brasidas, a heroic Spartan general, this coming war will be a test of not only his leadership but also his cunning. The Spartans are a force to be reckoned with on land but on sea… It is the Athenians who rule the waves.

Matthaios needs no war to tell him what suffering is. He is a helot slave. His life does not belong to him, it never had. But when fate comes knocking with the whispered promise of liberty, he would be a fool not to at least try to win his freedom, no matter how forlorn that hope may be.

Evania is a woman who longs for adventure and an end to the monotonous life she now leads. While the Spartans lay siege to her home city of Plataea, Evania has never felt so free, or so needed. 

From the slaughter of the Spartan army at the Battle of Thermopylae to the fragile truce between the Spartans and the Athenians after a long 27 year war, Gifts of the Gods: Iron and Bronze By Thomas J. Berry is the remarkable story of five people whose lives are interwoven and changed by the terror that became known as the Peloponnesian War.

From the opening chapter, I was left in no doubt that Berry is a vivacious storyteller. He writes with both elegance and authority. I lost myself in this spell-binding epic retelling of the events that led up to the Peloponnesian War and the war itself. This remarkable book captures both sides of the battle-lines.

Berry’s lucid historical insight gave this book authenticity, and the fast-paced narrative kept me turning those pages. Gifts of the Gods: Iron and Bronze is an example of historical fiction at its very best. Filled with memorable characters, adventure, war, love, hate, retribution, and forgiveness, there is certainly something for everyone within this book's pages.

The battle scenes were skilfully done. As a reader, I experienced the anticipation, the fear, the horror as well as the exhaustion of those involved. The realities of what a soldier's life was like was not brushed over with fancy prose. It was gritty and harsh. In other words, it was very real in the telling.

This book explores both the darkness and the lighter side of human nature. There are vile deeds but also brave endeavours. The plight of the helots was profoundly moving. Matthaios was a character that I was rooting for. I so wanted him to be free of his shackles and the fear that the helots lived in every day. The hunting of the helots, as if they were deer, by the Spartans was particularly terrible. I am not going to give away the plot, but there is another incident that left me reeling. Moreover, I found myself asking how someone could be so cruel to a fellow human being? However, this is a different time, and to the Spartans, the lives of the helots were of little consequence. Their lives were as insignificant as the lamb’s as it is led to slaughter.

I adored the characterisation of Evania. Her life is one tragedy after another and I shed a few tears for her. Like all the other characters in this book, Evania was well drawn and so believable.

The drawing of Pericles was particularly well done, as was the terrible plague that ransacked Athens. Berry has to be commended for the amount of research he has done to bring this ancient world back to life. The story is vast and yet utterly dazzling. Gifts of the Gods: Iron and Bronze is a historical triumphant.

I Highly Recommend.

Review by Mary Anne Yarde.
The Coffee Pot Book Club.

Thomas J. Berry

Thomas Berry received a Bachelor of Arts degree in Philosophy from St. Bonaventure University. A lover of history and literature, he has found his true passion in writing historical fiction. When not writing, he enjoys long distance running and has completed several marathons. He currently lives with his wife and five children in New Jersey.

Connect with Thomas: Website • Facebook • Twitter • Goodreads.

#BookReview — The Briton and the Dane: Timeline, by Mary Ann Bernal #historicalfantasy #historicalromance @BritonandDane

The Briton and the Dane: Timeline
(The Briton and the Dane Book #5)
By Mary Ann Bernal

Dr. Gwyneth Franger, a renowned expert in early medieval England, is set upon learning the truth about the death of Lord Erik, the last descendant of the powerful House of Wareham. Her quest becomes an obsession, a condition that began with the discovery of a portrait of the tall and valiant warrior. Digesting troves of mildewed scrolls and source documentation only enhances her belief that Lord Erik was brutally assassinated by a cabal of traitors in the pay of William the Bastard, shortly before the onslaught of the Norman Invasion.

On an archeological dig in Southern England, Dr. Franger finds herself transported back to the Dark Ages and at the side of the noble Lord Erik who commands an army of elite Saxon warriors. Witnessing the unrest firsthand, Gwyneth senses that her instincts had been right all along, and she is determined to learn the identities of the treacherous blackguards hiding in the shadows, villains who may well be posing as Lord Erik’s friends and counselors.

Gwyneth knows it is wrong to stop the assassins, but isn’t sure she can find the strength to walk away and watch her beloved Erik die. Will she intervene, change the course of history and wipe out an entire timeline to save the man she loves?

A love story across the centuries…

Unrequited love takes on a whole new meaning for medieval historian, Dr Gwyneth Franger. But her love is no ordinary love, for it is a longing from deep within her soul. Gwyneth is drawn inexplicably towards Lord Erik, an 11th Century Anglo-Saxon noble. Infuriatingly for Gwyneth, the sources of this time are few and far between. However, Gwyneth has discovered that Erik was brutally murdered just before Edward the Confessor’s death. Like a detective, Gwyneth is determined to discover who ordered Erik’s assassination and more importantly, who carried it out.

Gwyneth’s research takes an interesting twist when she finds herself transported to 11thCentury England where, much to her delight, she finds Erik waiting for her. Now that she is here, maybe she can solve the riddle and save the love of her life from a gruesome death.

The Briton and the Dane: Timeline (The Briton and the Dane, Book #5) by Mary Ann Bernal is a passionate, yet sweet romantic story about a true love that transcends time.

The premise of the story was fabulous. Two souls seeking each other out through the centuries is enough to get any romantic heart fluttering. When Gwyneth falls through time and finds herself in the very era that she has spent years researching I had high hopes that her dream would come true and she would finally meet the man who she is so hopelessly in love with. 

Gwyneth is a fabulous protagonist. She is a single-minded and strong woman, who I could not help but admire. Bernal has obviously spent a lot of time imagining how a very modern woman would react to a medieval way of life. Gwyneth reacts, as one would expect. I thought Gwyneth was wonderfully portrayed and I enjoyed reading about her.

This story is set firmly in historical fantasy, but Bernal has decided to follow the timeline of this era to give her readers a magnificent backdrop in which to place her characters. This worked incredibly well, especially when tied in with the time-travel theme. Gwyneth was not hampered by a lack of understanding with the Anglo-Saxon tongue, and the narrative was perfect for a modern reader who may find many of the historical details and customs of this era somewhat foreign.

Bernal is very good at crafting tension, and this book is full of it. Like Gwyneth, I wanted to know who was behind the plot to murder Lord Erik. The enemy always seemed to be one step ahead of them, which I think made this story compelling and it certainly kept me turning those pages. Running alongside this is the beautiful romance between Gwyneth and Erik.

This is book five in the series. I have not read the other four books, but this did not hinder my enjoyment one bit. The Briton and the Dane: Timeline stands firmly on its own feet.

The ending was fabulous and as wildly romantic as the rest of the story.

If you are looking for a romantic historical fantasy, where anything is possible, then this is the book for you.

I Highly Recommend.

Review by Mary Anne Yarde.
The Coffee Pot Book Club.

Mary Ann Bernal

Mary Ann Bernal attended Mercy College, Dobbs Ferry, NY, where she received a degree in Business Administration.  Her literary aspirations were ultimately realized when the first book of The Briton and the Dane novels was published in 2009.  In addition to writing historical fiction, Mary Ann has also authored a collection of contemporary short stories in the Scribbler Tales series. Her latest endeavor is a science fiction/fantasy novel entitled Planetary Wars  Rise of an Empire. Originally hailing from New York, Mary Ann now resides in Elkhorn, Nebraska.
Mary Ann loves to hear from readers, you can find her: Website • Whispering Legends Press •Twitter.

Check out Ghost Encounters: The Lingering Spirits of North Devon By Helen Hollick with Kathy Hollick #GhostEncounters #Ghosts #NorthDevon #FriendlyGhosts #BlogTour #TheCoffeePotBookClub @HelenHollick @cathiedunn

  Ghost Encounters:  The Lingering Spirits of North Devon By Helen Hollick with Kathy Hollick Publication Date: 27th February 2025 Publisher...