Wednesday, 27 April 2022

Giveaway - The Touch of Love (Senses of Love, #5) by Kyle Shoop #HistoricalRomance #Romance @WriterKyle @XpressoTours

The Touch of Love
(Senses of Love, #5)
By Kyle Shoop

Publication Date: April 27th 2022
Genres: Adult, Historical Romance

Two Love stories.
One surviving WW2.
One surviving a separation.
Both fighting their own war.
But neither is willing to give up.
Because love is worth fighting for.

Alternating between the past and the present, The Touch of Love tells two intertwined love stories spanning generations. The first is set in modern times and tells the journey that Katie embarks on while being embroiled in a separation from her husband. The second is set in Poland during World War 2, and tells the story of Jakob, an orphan, who falls in love with a Jewish woman. Will either of these love stories survive the unforeseen battles awaiting them?

Present Day: While going thru old keepsakes in her grandfather’s attic, Katie stumbles upon two items which thrust her on a journey of discovery. The first is her old wedding dress, the sight of which still stings due to her recent separation. The second item is even more perplexing – an old black and white photograph of her grandfather during a war. The man with a deeply mysterious past. Knowing her grandfather’s days are limited, this photo sparks Katie’s journey to discover his past before his future runs out.

1939: Jakob and his brother are two carefree orphans deciding whether to join the Polish army when all of Europe is on the bring of World War 2. But Jakob’s decision is sealed the moment he meets Anna, a Jewish woman. Deciding he would rather fight for her survival than fight alongside his brother, Jakob embarks on a harrowing journey through the War, motivated solely by his unyielding love for Anna.

Can love survive the immeasurable tragedies of war?

The books in this series are standalone novels and may be read in any order.

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As the two brothers walked with naive swagger down the city as if they owned it, Ezra’s plan came spilling out with eager enthusiasm: “We’re going to join the Polish army.”

Jakob stopped immediately in his tracks on the Warsaw sidewalk. He didn’t care that they were in front of a restaurant with a large window full of patrons who would see their confrontation. For the first time that he could remember since his mother’s death, he found himself in stark disagreement with his older brother.

“No way,” Jakob said plainly.

This caught Ezra off guard, and he turned to see Jakob standing defiantly behind him. Frustration came barreling out of Ezra: “Well, we have to!”

“No way.” Jakob’s body language gave away that he wasn’t budging on the issue.

“Think about it, Jakob,” Ezra was now pleading. “War is right on Poland’s doorstep. Look around you. See all of this? This is just a facade. In a few short months, either Germany or the Soviets – if not both – will be invading. What you see around you won’t be here forever.”

“So, what if I want to enjoy it while it’s here – instead of running off to war?” As Jakob said it, he could see the light of Ezra’s plan die in Ezra’s eyes. Jakob knew it wasn’t just a plan he was spoiling – it was Ezra’s dream. And in the heat of their abrupt disagreement, Jakob let that spill out as an insult. “You’re the dreamer, Ezra. You always have been. And I’ve always followed you through your dreams. But this isn’t a dream. This is reality. And people die in war.”

Ezra knew that what Jakob just said was right – he was a dreamer. He always so easily got swept up into dreams and ambitions that he never stopped to realize their effect on his younger brother. But this time, that wasn’t the case. Ezra’s plan had been thought out extensively before divulging it.

Despite his natural inclination to give into the heat of their disagreement, Ezra’s tone calmed down. He loved his Jakob – like nothing else in the world. They’d been more than brothers since their parents’ deaths. They’d been friends. Confidants. Life rafts. Shoulders for each other to both cry and laugh on. So, in this moment, Ezra’s natural instinct toward conflict was overcome by his even stronger inclination to love his brother.

“I know, I know, Jakob. I’ve led you on some crazy paths since mom died.” Ezra then put his hand on Jakob’s shoulder to bridge the gap between them – both emotionally and physically. “But this isn’t about my dreams. It’s about what’s real.”

“And then what, Ezra?” Jakob’s tone was mellowing out. “We just hope to survive the war? Wouldn’t you rather go somewhere safe and let other people fight a war that isn’t ours?”

“We’d survive. Look at us – two orphans that don’t need much, who have always found a way to survive.” Ezra smiled at having just referenced their prior pointless disagreement about whether they were orphans. “And then afterwards, we’ll open an orphanage.”

This made Jakob chuckle out loud and playfully push Ezra in the shoulder. “Not funny. But I’ll think about the whole army thing.”

“No, I mean it, Jakob. Someone’s gotta show all the other orphans how to survive. Who better than you and me?”

Now that they’d made up, Ezra went to put his arm around his brother’s shoulder to keep walking down the Warsaw sidewalk. Ezra’s mind normally would be filled with dreams at this point, now that there was a glimmer of hope for them to enlist in the Polish army. But his dreams were immediately cut short. Jakob wasn’t moving.

It was as though he was frozen in place. Ezra quickly turned to look his brother in the eyes to see what the deal was. And for the first time, he saw dreams shining in Jakob’s own eyes. They’d always followed Ezra’s dreams, but now, for the first time, Ezra could instantly tell that Jakob had been struck with his own overbearing dream. The stark light beaming from Jakob’s glance emanated a look different than any other he’d ever seen his brother make before.

Ezra curiously followed his brother’s line of sight to see what had unexpectedly and wholeheartedly captivated Jakob.

Then he saw it. Or, rather – he saw her. Jakob was staring through the large restaurant window next to them, and at the lounge piano providing background music for the patrons. And seated at that piano was the centerpiece of not only Jakob’s attention, but what Ezra recognized as the centerpiece of Jakob’s very being in this moment. Behind the piano was, undeniably, a beautiful Jewish woman, whose blue eyes had met Jakob’s by happenstance, yet now was staring back at him with a consumption matching his.

Ezra knew it immediately by just observing the unspoken spark between his brother and the Jewish woman. Things were now going to be different for the two brothers.

Kyle Shoop is a multi-genre author of compelling stories. His new "Senses of Love" series is a romance series that provides rewarding and inspirational stories. The newest book - A TASTE OF LOVE - is now out! The books in the series may be read in any order.

Kyle is also the author of the Acea Bishop Trilogy, which is an action-packed fantasy series. All books in that series are now available, with Acea and the Animal Kingdom being the first book.

At a young age, Kyle was recognized for his storytelling by being awarded the first-place Gold Key award for fiction writing in Washington State. After spending several years volunteering in his wife's elementary classrooms, he was inspired to write the Acea Bishop Trilogy. He is now motivated to share the compelling stories in his new romance series. In addition to writing novels, Kyle is also an attorney.

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Tuesday, 26 April 2022

Cover Reveal - Flirting with Disaster (Filthy Gods, #1) by Michelle Hercules #Romance @XpressoTours

Flirting with Disaster
(Filthy Gods, #1)
By Michelle Hercules

Publication Date: June 30th 2022
Genres: Contemporary, New Adult, RomanceEnemies to Lovers New Adult Contemporary Romance

How can you crave someone as intensely as you hate them?

Finn Novak is one of the young gods who rule this town and wreaks havoc wherever he goes. He’s above everything, even the law.

I never thought I’d be thrust into his world of depraved privilege until tragedy strikes, and I’m forced to attend Maverick Prep, his domain.

I vow to keep hating him but quickly become trapped by his web of twisted mind games. I yearn for his barbed words as much as I hunger for his touch.

Getting close to Finn means unveiling secrets that should stay hidden. But like bodies buried in shallow graves, skeletons never remain in the closet forever.

I can’t escape him, though. His darkness feeds mine, and it’s only a matter of time before the void consumes us both.

When the story is over, who will be revealed as the real monster? Finn or me?

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USA Today bestselling author Michelle Hercules always knew creative arts were her calling but not in a million years did she think she would write a novel. With a background in fashion design she thought she would follow that path. But one day, out of the blue, she had an idea for a book. One page turned into ten pages, ten pages turned into a hundred, and before she knew, her first book, The Prophecy of Arcadia, was born.

Michelle Hercules resides in The Netherlands with her husband and daughter. She is currently working on the Legends of Gattica series.

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Giveaway - My NOT So Anonymous Best Friend by Elizabeth Arroyo #Romance @EArroyo5 @XpressoTours

My NOT So Anonymous Best Friend
By Elizabeth Arroyo

Publication Date: April 29th 2022
Genres: LGBTQ+, Romance, Young Adult

Noah aka NOS2321: Gamer. Weeb. Up-and-coming rock star. And gay. Encouraged by his anonymous pen pal, XES6969, Noah takes the leap and comes out of the closet—no instructions needed—accidentally sending his father to the hospital during his reveal. Despite his horrible dating track record which included two girls (because it was required that he at least try) and one boy (because he had to start somewhere), Noah believes in happily ever after. That belief gets tested when he falls for Evan Santiago.

Evan aka XES6969, believes in sacrificing yourself for those you love. Learning NOS’s identity hadn’t been his fault. Except he carries the lie which begins to fester, trapping him into silence. When a stray football brings them together, Evan no longer wants to keep silent. And when he learns that Noah is interested too, he takes a chance at love, risking everyone he’s tried to protect, including himself.

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As if the cosmos decided to force me to drool, Evan Santiago rode into the lot on his motorcycle. He wore a helmet with the visor down, hiding his face, but I didn’t need to see to know. The guy was all tight muscles and badness. He parked two spots away from my light blue jalopy with the word WEEBS 2 on the license plates and stickers of Kirito, Asuna, and Zero Two on the windows around my car. He dropped the kickstand and gracefully swung one powerful leg over the seat as he got off the bike. He pulled off his helmet and shook his deep black hair to perfection and crouched to get his satchel out of one of the saddlebags on the bike. His tee lifted, revealing a sliver of pale skin at his back.

Damn. When had I started looking at Evan Santiago this way? I blinked away the moment and turned to the empty seat beside me. I caught sight of Sasha approaching the secret love of my life, having silently crept out of my car. I hadn’t even heard her close the door! Her little skort swayed over toned legs.

The slut.

Was I really thinking she was competition? Was I competition?

Evan acknowledged her and she said something to him. He lifted his eyes in my direction—the color of green flames—forcing me to lose my breath. No. Evan couldn’t see me through the glare of the windshield. Nope. But that look still held me in some sort of trance. As if an invisible line had jettisoned out of his eyeballs and wrapped around my chest, crushing me.

Yeah, too much anime for me.

Then he suddenly looked away, and the crushing sensation lifted. I inhaled sharply, filling my lungs with much-needed oxygen.


Why was I thinking of someone else when I had Carlos? That was not a good sign.

Sasha took Evan’s arm, and they walked into the school together as if they were a couple. Were they a couple? The idea of them together left me confused. Nothing new, really. Just another normal day in the life of me. Evan was not interested in me. Despite the burning looks he gave me. Certainly, I was misinterpreting them. Maybe the guy had a bad case of acid indigestion. Or I had a bad case of TMI—too much imagination. With an audible sigh, I headed into the school alone.

If I had to draw an abstract version of my high school, it would be a prism of varying stars and stripes. I was a stripe, while people like Evan Santiago were stars.

Elizabeth is the Latinx author of speculative fiction novels for teens. Her YA contemporary debut, My NOT So Anonymous Best Friend, is slated for release on 4/29 by Evernight Teen.

Before she started writing, Elizabeth got her undergraduate degree in Psychology with a minor in Criminal Justice. She then went on to work in foster care programs, mental health facilities, and youth organizations within the Latinx Community, providing services to youth and families.

She now spends her time writing romance, binge watching anime, and spending time with her family.

Elizabeth currently resides in Chicago.

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Giveaway - Bridges by Linda Griffin #HistoricalRomance @XpressoTours @LindaGriffinA

By Linda Griffin

Publisher: The Wild Rose Press
Publication Date: April 25th 2022
Genres: Adult, Historical Romance

In 1963, Neil Vincent, a middle-aged World War II veteran and “Christian atheist” is working at Westfield Court as a chauffeur. He spends most of his spare time reading. Mary Claire DeWinter is a young, blind, Catholic college student and reluctant heiress. To secure her inheritance, she has to marry within a year, and her aunt is pressuring her to marry a rich man who teased and bullied her when she was a child. Neil and Mary Claire shouldn’t even be friends, but the gulf between them is bridged by a shared love of books. Can they cross the bridge to more?

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On the drive to Brierly Station, he didn’t speculate about who Miss DeWinter might be. It wasn’t his job to know who she was, only to meet her train and take her safely back to Westfield Court. She wouldn’t be the last of the friends and relatives who would gather as the old man’s life came to its long-awaited and peaceful end.

Brierly was bustling today, as restless as the St. James household. He was in plenty of time for the train and sat in the car reading. The car was a Bentley Mark VI, as well-maintained and highly polished as it was the day it was purchased. The book he was reading was Thomas Hardy’s The Return of the Native.

When the train rumbled in, he got out of the car. He stood patiently on the platform as the passengers disembarked, holding up a small slate on which he had chalked DEWINTER in large capitals. There weren’t many passengers, but they were briefly delayed while the conductor helped a blind woman navigate the steps. Neil’s gaze fell expectantly on a woman in her thirties, with an awful hat, but she was immediately met by a portly man and a teenage boy. No other likely prospects appeared, and he waited for someone to respond to the sign. No one did.

Finally, only two passengers were left on the platform—a small, homely man and the blind woman. Blind girl, really. She couldn’t be more than twenty. She had a jointed white cane, and her large sunglasses didn’t cover the edges of the scars on her face. She would not have been beautiful even without the scars—too thin, for starters, of average height but with small bones. On the other hand, her face might once have been pretty, and her hair was clean and shining, raven black, and well brushed. She was too pale, and the scars around her eyes were red and ugly. She looked a little lost.

Feeling foolish, he lowered the slate. “Miss DeWinter?” he asked as he approached her.

“Yes,” she said, turning toward his voice with a smile.

“I’m Vincent,” he said. “The St. James chauffeur.”

“Pleased to meet you, Mr. Vincent,” she said. “Thank you for meeting me.” Her voice was soft, her enunciation perfect.

The porter fetched her luggage—a single gray vinyl suitcase with a flower decal—from the depot and turned it over to Neil with a cheerful nod. Jane would be disappointed, especially if the girl’s other clothes were as plain as what she wore, a simple dark dress with long sleeves and an unfashionable, below-the-knees hemline. “Would you take my arm?” he asked, positioning himself so she could place her hand in the crook of his elbow, which she did with easy confidence.

“Do you have a Christian name?” she asked.

“Yes, miss. It’s Neil.”

“That’s a good name,” she said. “Mine is Mary Claire. How is my grandfather, do you know?”

Neil, who hadn’t known the old man had any grandchildren, said, “Hanging on, miss.”

He opened the car door and helped her into the back seat.

“You don’t have to call me ‘miss’ all the time,” she said. “Please call me Mary Claire. Or my friends at school call me Sunny.”

“Yes, miss,” he said automatically and closed the door.

For more information, visit my website, sign up for my newsletter, and claim a free autographed copy of Stonebridge:

I was born and raised in San Diego, California and earned a BA in English from San Diego State University and an MLS from UCLA. I began my career as a reference and collection development librarian in the Art and Music Section of the San Diego Public Library and then transferred to the Literature and Languages Section, where I had the pleasure of managing the Central Library’s Fiction collection and initiating fiction order lists for the entire library system. Although I also enjoy reading biography, memoir, and history, fiction remains my first love. In addition to the three R’s—reading, writing, and research—I enjoy Scrabble, movies, and travel.

My earliest ambition was to be a “book maker” and I wrote my first story, “Judy and the Fairies,” with a plot stolen from a comic book, at the age of six. I broke into print in college with a story in the San Diego State University literary journal, The Phoenix, but most of my magazine publications came after I left the library to spend more time on my writing.

My stories have been published in numerous journals, including Eclectica, Thema Literary Journal, The Binnacle, The Nassau Review, Orbis, and Avalon Literary Review, and in the anthologies Short Story America, Vol. 2, The Captive and the Dead, and Australia Burns. Four stories, including one as yet unpublished, received honorable mention in the Short Story America Prize for Short Fiction contests.

Member of RWA, Authors Guild, and Sisters in Crime

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Giveaway - Love You Right by Julia Kent #Romance @XpressoTours @jkentauthor

Love You Right
By Julia Kent

(Love You, Maine, #1)
Publication Date: April 26th 2022
Genres: Adult, Comedy, Contemporary, Romance

A missed opportunity five years ago makes for an unexpected encounter now between two people meant for each other – but who square off in a very public battle of wills in the small town of Love You, Maine, where every day is Valentine’s Day. Can love conquer all in a town steeped in it?

Kell Luview refuses to be a sucker at love again. Five years ago, he left D.C. with his tail between his legs and his heart broken. Fiercely protective of his small town in rural Maine, he’s determined to save the family tree business and avoid his feelings at all costs, no matter how much he longs to solve the mystery of what happened in D.C.

L.A. native Rachel Hart hates being underestimated almost as much as she hates this small town. She has two goals on this trip: get out of the cheesy tourist trap of Love You, Maine with a completed business deal, and avoid running into Kell, her old friend from D.C. who never became an old flame because of a huge misunderstanding.

One that still aches.

When her rental car breaks down on a logging road and Kell comes to her rescue, it’s clear he’s a changed man – and not for the good. Grumpy and reserved, he pushes all her buttons, still stubbornly convinced she betrayed him all those years ago. He’s never forgiven her, and she’s never forgiven herself for carrying a torch for him.

An embarrassing incident gets the town gossip mill going when residents wrongly assume Kell and Rachel are the newest couple to find love in the most romantic place on Earth. But the townsfolk aren’t wrong for long…

As Rachel breaks through his defenses and charms the town, he faces his biggest fear: all those pesky feelings he’s been avoiding.

Because they’re all about Rachel now.

And maybe they always were.

Can Kell and Rachel fight their growing attraction in the one place in the world where you can’t avoid love?

If you’re looking for a fun read about enemies to lovers, forced proximity, heroines who get their comeuppance and sworn bachelors felled by unexpected true love, featuring a hot bearded lumberjack impervious to poison ivy, and a city-slicker, jaded career woman with a penchant for great coffee, set in a small town in New England – then this is your book.

Grab a cup of (properly good) coffee, a can of hot cocoa mix, a jar of Fluff and maybe some calamine lotion (just in case), and get your happymeter ready as you read the very first book in New York Times bestselling romantic comedy author Julia Kent’s Love You, Maine series – where love isn’t just a feeling – it’s a way of life.

✓Enemies to Lovers
✓Small town romance
✓Lumberjack and city slicker outsider
… and a cat named Calamine

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“Kell,” she whispered against his mouth. “Thank you.”

“For what?”

“For this.” She motioned at the romantic dinner he’d created for the two of them, the wide table in this conference room an ample spread for a…

Ample spread.

“We haven’t even had dinner. Thank me after.”

She batted her eyelashes. “Is that an offer?”

“Rachel,” he said, moving his hand from her waist to cup her ass. “That’s more than an offer.”

He started to kiss her again, but she put her fingers on his lips. “If we don’t eat dinner first, we’ll never eat. And I have a meeting here in this very room, to try to pitch the deal again, in three days. Boundaries, Kell – boundaries. I refuse to have sex on this conference table.”

“The thought never, ever occurred to me,” he lied.



With a deep laugh he adored, she reached for the bottle of wine. “How about you uncork this and we start with a lovely glass.”

“Fine. The table is off the table.”

New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Julia Kent writes romantic comedy with an edge. Since 2013, she has sold more than 2 million books, with 4 New York Times bestsellers and more than 21 appearances on the USA Today bestseller list. Her books have been translated into French, German, and Italian, with more titles releasing in the future.

From billionaires to BBWs to new adult rock stars, Julia finds a sensual, goofy joy in every contemporary romance she writes. Unlike Shannon from Shopping for a Billionaire, she did not meet her husband after dropping her phone in a men's room toilet (and he isn't a billionaire she met in a romantic comedy).

She lives in New England with her husband and three children where she is the only person in the household with the gene required to change empty toilet paper rolls.

She loves to hear from her readers by email at, on Twitter @jkentauthor, on Facebook at @jkentauthor, and on Instagram @jkentauthor. Visit her at

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Monday, 25 April 2022

New Release - Love in Twinkle Falls by Freda Ann #Romance #Giveaway @XpressoTours

Love in Twinkle Falls
By Freda Ann

Publication Date: April 25th 2022
Genres: Adult, Comedy, Contemporary, Romance

Bridgette Dupont is engaged to the hunky, flirty fireman who has it all—yet why does she feel anxiety when she thinks of herself walking down that aisle on their wedding day?

With her best friend Sophie happily married and pregnant, Bridgette has a clear picture of what her life could look like, but she can’t help feeling the fear of motherhood…and when her past comes calling, all of Bridgette’s simmering emotions begin to boil over.

Ryan Hodges couldn’t be any happier with his fiancée, she’s beautiful, compassionate and sweeter than pie—but when his parents drop into town for a surprise visit, tensions between his mother’s wants and his fiancée’s needs come to a head.

When everything rains down on the happy couple all at once, their strength and faith in each other are put to the ultimate test. Will Ryan and Bridgette make it to the altar, or will they realize their future together was never meant to be?

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“They’re gonna be here any minute, babe. Are you done over there?” I peek at Bridgette on the other side of the kitchen.

“Yes, the profiteroles are ready.”

While washing her hands, I sneak up behind my fiancée, enveloping her in my arms. I pull her hair back and nuzzle her neck.

“That tickles, and you’re slowing me down. I wanna freshen up a bit before they arrive.”

“Just reminding you how much I adore you.”

Bridge lets go of the dish towel and turns around pecking my lips. “This will have to do for now. I’ll be back in a few minutes.

Grabbing the towel, I hold the end and pop her backside with it. “Don’t forget the flour on your forehead.”

“Hey, watch it buddy.” She looks over her shoulder flashing a smile that warms me all over.

“I’ll let you know when I see their car coming up the drive.”

“Okay,” she yells from the powder room under the stairs.

I sure hope mother doesn’t give Bridgette a hard time about the wedding planning. I know just how involved and pushy she can get. The last thing I want is for my fiancée to have any more added stress leading up to the big day.

This visit is going to be interesting, to say the least. I’m getting an odd feeling about them showing up so last minute, especially after mentioning the news they wanted to share with me.

A couple minutes later, I yell, “I see their car, you almost ready?” Hearing footsteps, I turn around. “Whoa, look at you. How am I supposed to focus on my parents with you dressed like that?”

“You act like I’m half dressed. It’s just a sundress and heels. I wanted to look nice.”

“Babe, you look nice in jeans and a t-shirt. Mom already likes you, remember? And you won dad over the first time he met you.”

Grabbing her hand, I pull her into me, as she utters, “I like dressing up sometimes. Can’t I look good for my man?”

“I’m only saying you don’t have to try to look good. You’re beautiful inside and out no matter what you wear.”

The doorbell rings as she tips her head up for a kiss. “Saved by the bell.” She winks and lowers her arms.

Freda was born in southern New Jersey but grew up in Florida. She has loved writing her entire life. After retiring from a career in law enforcement, she knew it was time to fulfill her lifelong dream of being a published author.

She's the author of The Hawaii Series, proudly named from her love of the beautiful Hawaiian Islands. It's a three-book series with all of them written as standalone books.

Freda loves her large family, horses, dogs, cat, and close friends. She hosts monthly family dinners at her home in the country, which she shares with her husband.

She loves baking (she owned and operated a cupcake business for years), cooking, yoga, crocheting, nature and traveling with the love of her life.

What helps her write? Music makes her happy! If music doesn't give her the right motivation, she puts on a romantic movie, usually from the Hallmark Channel, which she can't get enough of!

Freda speaks her mind and pushes perfection to its limit. She strives to be her best, most positive self she can be in life. With time, determination, and practice, she believes anything is possible.

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Cover Reveal - Scarred Siren (The Beth Series, #3) by Jennifer Bene @jbeneauthor @XpressoTours

Scarred Siren
(The Beth Series, #3)
By Jennifer Bene

Publication Date: October 14th 2022
Genres: Adult, Gothic, Romance, Suspense

The end of Beth’s story is coming October 2022, pre-order now!

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Jennifer Bene is a USA Today bestselling author of dangerously sexy and deviously dark romance. From BDSM, to Suspense, Dark Romance, and Thrillers—she writes it all. Always delivering a twisty, spine-tingling journey with the promise of a happily-ever-after.

Don't miss a release! Sign up for the newsletter to get new book alerts (and a free welcome book) HERE!

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Giveaway - Princess of Zamibia by Delaney Diamond #Romance @DelaneyDiamond @XpressoTours

Princess of Zamibia
By Delaney Diamond

(Royal Brides, #1)
Publication date: March 17th 2022 (audio)
Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Romance

“Live in the moment with me.”

That’s what he asked Dahlia to do, and she did—easily—because after a near death experience, her motto was to live life to the fullest. She doesn’t worry about tomorrow and greets each day with a smile. She gave him everything. Her body. Her heart. Then it all came to an abrupt end. She didn’t anticipate he wouldn’t trust her. She didn’t anticipate she couldn’t trust him.

He wants his son.

Three years later, Prince Kofi returns and he’s not the same man. He’s bitter and angry and knows he has a son. He’ll do whatever it takes to bring his heir back to Zamibia, even if it means marrying the woman he believes betrayed him.

Dahlia must now raise her son in a culture she doesn’t fully understand, but when a nightmare strikes the royal family, will it bring her and Kofi closer together, or tear them apart for good?

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The complete series:


Did he know? Her heart raced unsteadily. Was that why she had felt so uneasy recently? Did he have someone watching her? She stood abruptly, a shiver rippling through her body. “I want you to leave.”

“Our conversation isn’t finished.” What did he know?

“I’m done talking to you. I told you everything I had to say three years ago. No, scratch that. I need to add something else to the dumbass comment. You’re a liar. A liar and a cheat.”

Emotion threatened to overtake her as the hurt came back full force. She’d loved him so much. Given him everything, all of herself, and what had she received in return? Lies. Humiliation.

His brows snapped together. “I never lied to you.”

“Yes, you did! How dare you come into my home and question me. Get out.”

“Dahlia.” Her name was a low warning.

“How dare you! After three years? Who do you think you are?”

“Sit down.”

“And not even a word of apology. You know I never stole from you. You had to know. But no, you would never apologize. You’re the mighty Prince Kofi Francois Karunzika. Go back to Africa and leave me the hell alone.” Dahlia marched over to the door and yanked it open. “Get out!”

In the hallway, Abdalla remained as immovable as a block of stone.

Kofi came to his feet in a swift, lithe movement. “Do you think you can just throw me out like a piece of rubbish?”

“This is not Zamibia. You don’t have any power in this country. Your word is not law. If you don’t leave now, I’ll call the police and have you escorted from the building.”

“Is that so?” A slow smile spread across his handsome face. “Close the door, Dahlia. I’m not going anywhere.”

“I mean it, if you don’t leave—”

“You. Will. Do. Nothing.”

His dark eyes glittered at her from across the room, and trepidation skittered down her spine. He was way too confident, even for Kofi.

“You know,” he said, using a conversational tone, “I had no idea you moved from New York. Imagine my surprise when the investigator told me he found you here, in Atlanta.”

“Why were you looking for me?” Dahlia asked hoarsely, a tightness in her chest she couldn’t explain.

“Never mind why. I had my reasons,” Kofi replied, voice as hard as steel. “Why did you leave New York?”

“I wanted a fresh start.”

“Is that the only reason?” He was enjoying playing his little game, not giving anything away until he was ready. The Conquering Lion of the tribe of Mbutu. Like a lion, he toyed with his defenseless prey, circling, not striking, until he was ready to devour it.

“Y-yes.” The lie constricted her throat so tightly it hurt to speak. The cost of living was cheaper in Atlanta than New York, and though she no longer worked in property management, at least here she could pay the bills and take care of her son.

“I’ve given you ample opportunity to tell me the truth. If I am a liar, so are you, olufeh mi.” The endearment didn’t hold the same appeal as before. Not when he used it to punctuate a veiled threat.

Dahlia’s fingers tightened on the door she had yet to release. He’d known all along. That’s why he was here. “No,” she said quietly, shaking her head slowly, denying the inevitable.

“Yes, Dahlia. I know your secret. I know you carried my firstborn inside you when you left New York. Close the door and sit down. I’m not leaving. Not without my son.”

Delaney Diamond is the USA Today Bestselling Author of sensual, passionate romance novels, and was born and raised in the U.S. Virgin Islands. She reads romance novels, mysteries, thrillers, and a fair amount of nonfiction. When she’s not busy reading or writing, she’s in the kitchen trying out new recipes, dining at one of her favorite restaurants, or traveling to an interesting locale. To get sneak peeks, notices of sale prices, and find out about new releases, visit her website and join her mailing list. Enjoy free stories on her website at

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Thursday, 21 April 2022

Cover Reveal - Toeing the Line by Georgia Royce #romance @XpressoReads

Toeing the Line
By Georgia Royce

Publication Date: May 3rd 2022
Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Romance

Faye is living her best life as a medical school student in Portland. The house she shares with her amazing roommates is walking distance to the best coffee in SE Portland; she gets to cheer on her best friend, Zeke, who is having the hockey season of his life with the Portland Ptarmigans; and her sister just got engaged.

Of course, it’s not all a bed of roses in the Rose City: Faye hates med school, the coffee shop barista hates Faye, and her little sister’s new sister-in-law is Faye’s high school nemesis—who just picked a bridesmaid dress that doesn’t come in Faye’s size.

Oh, and Faye’s in love with Zeke. And Zeke made it crystal clear that he’ll never see her as anything more than a friend. It’s a line in the sand that neither of them would dare cross because they mean so much to each other.

So, when she blows up her life and quits med school, she doesn’t think twice about calling Zeke to pick her up. She definitely doesn’t think twice about inviting him to a friend’s wedding as her date. But when her parents visit, wanting to concoct a lie to cover up the fact that their overweight daughter has no job and no boyfriend, Zeke shows up for her.

And tells them he’s her boyfriend. And that he’ll be coming to the wedding.

So much for toeing the line.


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Tuesday, 19 April 2022

Giveaway - The Reluctant Bride by Monica Murphy #Romance @MsMonicaMurphy @XpressoReads

The Reluctant Bride
By Monica Murphy

Published by: Dangerous Press
Publication Date: April 19th 2022
Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Romance

Everyone’s for sale, including me. One moment I’m the forgotten daughter of one of the most wealthy families in the country, and the next I’m the blushing bride in an arranged marriage. My fate is sealed in my wedded union with a complete stranger.

In public, Perry Constantine is the life of the party. Easygoing. Adored. In private, he’s brooding. Dark. Angry. But so am I. It’s a contest of wills to see who will break in the bedroom first, and while I try to remain strong, I find myself craving the very man I swore to hate.

My husband.

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“Good morning,” I say as I take a step back from my mother’s embrace. Can’t linger too long or Winny will say something snide and rude.

He doesn’t say a word beyond a nod of acknowledgement at my arrival. His expression is stern, yet impassive. I never know what he’s thinking, and it’s disconcerting. I’ve learned from that though, and do my damnedest to wear the same expression when I’m dealing with Halcyon business for Win.

Or when I’m trying to get out of a sticky situation with a woman. That happens more often than I care to admit.

“Have a seat, darling,” Mother says, indicating the chair on the other side of Winston. I do as she says, settling into the leather chair that’s more comfortable than the one I sit in at my desk every damn day. “How was your weekend?”

I can’t tell her it was full of debauchery that included too much alcohol and too many women, but I avoid the paparazzi at the more popular clubs to keep it under wraps.

Instead I smile at her and say, “It was fine.”

Winston snorts. I’m sure he knows what I was up to. Wonder if he misses it. If I had his hot wife to come home to every evening, I wouldn’t miss that lifestyle at all.

“That’s nice.” Mother smiles, revealing straight white teeth that nearly blind me. Looks like someone just visited the dentist. “I hear you’ve been given new projects at Halcyon.”

I chance a look at Winston but he’s not paying attention to us. Too busy tapping away on his phone.

“I have.” I try to tamp down my excitement before my brother calls me out for behaving like a hyperactive puppy. “I’m handling all the angry calls that come into the office.”

Mother frowns. “Angry calls?”

I nod. “We piss off a lot of people in this city. There’s a lot of damage control going on. And not always of the—violent variety.”

The knowing look on her face is obvious. She’s just as ruthless as Winston. Swear to God that’s where he got it from, not Dad. Clearing his throat, Winston sits up straight, resting his arms on top of the table.

“Enough with the pleasantries. Let’s get down to business.”

“Winston,” Mother murmurs.

I frown at the both of them. “What exactly is this business we’re discussing this early in the morning anyway?”

Mother clears her throat as well, glancing over at Winston before she turns her attention on me. “It has to do with…you.”

I frown. “What about me?”

“Perry, darling. You’re not getting any younger.” Her expression is dour, as if she’s discussing something that displeases her. “It’s time for you to settle down.”

I snort. So does Winston.

“I’m only twenty-four,” I remind her. “Winston didn’t marry until he was forty.”

“Thirty-nine,” he corrects.

“Whatever,” I say to him, returning my attention to our mother. “There’s no one I want to settle down with anyway, so I can’t.”

“Ah, but you can.” Her smile is serene. “I’ve found someone for you, Perry. And you’re going to absolutely adore her.”

Wait a minute.

Back the fuck up

New York Times, USA Today and international bestselling author. A believer in kissing. A believer of love.

I also write contemporary romance as USA Today bestselling author Karen Erickson.

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Blog Tour - Unworthy by M. Jameson #Romance @authorm_jameson @XpressoReads

By M. Jameson

(St. Jude Rules, #2)
Publication date: April 29th 2022
Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Dark Romance, Romance

My blood runs crimson,
a contrast to my obsidian soul.
Darkness swims through my veins.
Carnage wreaks havoc within me.
I was raised by monsters, so I became one.
My pleasure comes from inflicting pain.
My only aphrodisiac is tears.
Until the woman with honey eyes, and fire in her soul,
Becomes my obsession.
I kept my distance as long as I could.
She’s the daughter of my enemies after all.
But she’s the gambit I never saw coming.
Fueled by lust, hatred, and dishonor,
the plan was to manipulate her until she broke,
in all the ways good things should.
But plans seldom go as they should.
How the hell did I get tricked,
in my own wicked game?


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M Jameson enjoys writing steamy, taboo, and forbidden stories. Sometimes dark, sometimes angsty, but sexiness and HEA (albeit not conventional) guaranteed. Jameson loves to delve into the hard topics and pushing the limits, so if you're looking for escapism and like your boundaries crushed, she's your go-to.

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Monday, 18 April 2022

Giveaway - Head Over Feet by Whitney Dineen #Romance @WhitneyDineen @XpressoReads

Head Over Feet
By Whitney Dineen

(Seven Brides for Seven Mothers, #5)
Publication Date: April 23rd 2022
Genres: Adult, Comedy, Contemporary, Romance

*All books in this series read as standalones.

Princess Aubrey of Malquar has loved Grady Basset since they were kids. She followed him and her brother around wherever they went; she wrote his name in her diary repeatedly; and she even practiced saying her name with his last name—for years.

Only once has Grady shown any romantic interest, and things did not turn out well.

As the son of the king’s secretary, Grady grew up playing with the royal children. He’s known them his whole life, and while he’s drawn to Princess Bree, he knows that there’s no way they can be together. The princess’s station is too far above his.

As the captain of the royal yacht, Grady sees Bree often, but in recent months the princess has been rude, belligerent, and an all-around pain in the butt. When unforeseen circumstances have Grady and Bree spending time together on her family’s island, things really start to heat up.

Will Grady finally give Bree a chance? Will it be too late?

Find out in the deliciously fun fifth installment of the Seven Brides for Seven Mothers Series.

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As Lu gets up to welcome another guest—one I didn’t know was coming—I pull the window sheer to the side and watch as none other than Grady Basset strolls up the front path. He’s carrying a bouquet of yellow tulips. What in the world is he doing here?

I’m torn between running out the back door and confronting the man who’s been a thorn in my side since, well, forever. Leaving would be the nicest thing I could do for everyone, but suddenly I’m not feeling very generous.

I stride toward the entryway like a general marching onto a battlefield. My shoulders are squared, and my jaw is sticking out so far it leaves the living room well ahead of the rest of me. Lu yanks the front door open. “Grady! We’re so glad you could make it.”

He’s about to hand her the flowers when he sees me. “What are you doing here?” His tone suggests that he’s as happy to see me as I am to see him.

“Why am I here?” I put my hands on my hips in fury. “What are you doing here?”

“I was invited.” He dismisses me and turns to Lu, offering her the bouquet.

“I was invited, too.” Then I tell my soon-to-be sister-in-law, “You didn’t mention that Grady would be here. Why is that?”

Before she can answer, Alistair comes out of the back room. He immediately takes in the scene but doesn’t seem eager to explain himself. I should have known this was his doing. “Grady, Bree, we’re so glad you could join us.”

“Yes, well, I’m thinking about leaving,” I blurt out.

“Please, let me do the honors.”

Grady turns and is nearly out the door when my brother says, “Children, is there any chance you two can act like adults long enough to enjoy lunch? There is a perfectly sound reason we asked you both here. It has to do with this petty feud you have going on.”

“Petty feud?” I sputter. “The man picked me up and threw me off a boat. Off a boat! That’s not petty, that’s … that’s …” Words escape me. Barbaric? Contemptuous? Illegal? Apparently, words don’t escape me, after all.

“It’s the only sensible thing to do when you’re being harassed by an annoying child who refuses to grow up.” He has no right to be mad at me. I’m the injured party here.

I square off and face him, my hands firmly on my hips. “I’m sorry, Grady.” I’m not and nothing in my tone suggests I am. “Are you, or are you not, the ship’s captain?” Before he can answer, I tell him, “You shouldn’t be entertaining women on my family’s boat while you’re on duty.”

“I had your brother’s permission. I did not need yours.” His face turns an unnatural shade of red.

Instead of commenting, I abruptly turn toward my brother. “Let’s get this over with. I have a million things I’d rather be doing than wasting my time here.” Like tending to a den of vipers. I was not raised to be so rude, but Grady Basset brings it out in me.

Lu leads the way into the dining room. I follow begrudgingly, wishing custom and courtesy didn’t dictate that I walk in front of Grady. I can’t stick my tongue out at him when I’m in front of him.

Once we’re all seated and the champagne is poured, Lu raises her glass. “Alistair and I were hoping the two of you would…”

Whitney loves to laugh, play with her kids, bake, and eat french fries -- not always in that order.

Whitney is a multi-award-winning author of romcoms, non-fiction humor, and middle reader fiction. Basically, she writes whatever the voices in her head tell her to.

She lives in the beautiful Pacific Northwest with her husband, Jimmy, where they raise children, chickens, and organic vegetables.

Gold Medal winner at the International Readers' Favorite Awards, 2017.

Silver medal winner at the International Readers' Favorite Awards, 2015, 2016.

Finalist RONE Awards, 2016.

Finalist at the IRFA 2016, 2017.

Finalist at the Book Excellence Awards, 2017

Finalist Top Shelf Indie Book Awards, 2017

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  The Absolution of Mars By T F Troy Publication Date: 21st January 2025 Publisher:  Historium Press Page Length: 327 Pages Genre: Historica...