Wednesday, 22 February 2023

Blog Tour - The Black Madonna by Stella Riley (Audiobook narrated by Alex Wyndham) #TheBlackMadonna #EnglishCivilWar @RileyStella @cathiedunn

The Black Madonna
Roundheads & Cavaliers, Book 1)
By Stella Riley

Publication Date: May 31st, 2013
Publisher: Stella Riley
Pages: 618 Pages
Genre: Historical Fiction

As England slides into Civil War, master-goldsmith and money-lender, Luciano Falcieri del Santi embarks on his own hidden agenda. A chance meeting one dark night results in an unlikely friendship with Member of Parliament, Richard Maxwell. Richard’s daughter, Kate – a spirited girl who vows to hold their home against both Cavalier and Roundhead – soon finds herself fighting an involuntary attraction to the clever, magnetic and diabolically beautiful Italian.

Hampered by the warring English, his quest growing daily more dangerous, Luciano begins to realise that his own life and that of everyone close to him rests on the knife-edge of success … for only success will permit him to reclaim the Black Madonna and offer his heart to the girl he loves.

From the machinations within Parliament to the last days of the King’s cause, The Black Madonna is an epic saga of passion and intrigue at a time when England was lost in a dark and bloody conflict.


Luciano ‘helps’ Kate to end her betrothal to Kit Clifford …

As soon as they were alone, Kit slid an arm about her waist and said, ‘This is a privilege I’d not dared hope for.  Have you really a letter for Venetia?’
‘Yes.  But that’s not what I want to talk to you about.’
‘Better and better.’
‘On the contrary.’  Kate eluded his arm to close the book-room door behind them and then faced him grimly. ‘It’s damnable.’
Quite slowly, the pleasure in his face turned to wariness.  He said, ‘Something is wrong.  What?’
She drew a long breath and gripped her hands together.
‘I don’t want to hurt you – but it’s become increasingly plain to me that the situation between us can’t go on.  So I’d like you to release me from my promise.’
During the long silence that followed, her words hung unpleasantly on the air.  Then he said abruptly, ‘Has someone been brow-beating you?’
‘No.  Of  course not. Though it is true that neither of my parents is particularly happy for me to remain neither formally contracted nor free.  But --’
‘I don’t blame them.  But that’s easily mended, isn’t it?’  His smile was tense.  ‘I’ll have my father contact yours and we can be betrothed – perhaps even married – before Christmas.’
‘No,’ said Kate, annoyed with herself for stepping so neatly into a pit of her own making.  ‘Kit, no.  With things as they are, it would be a mistake.’
‘Ah.’  He rested his hands on the back of a chair and looked down at them.  ‘The war.’
‘We can’t ignore it, can we?  And I, for one, can see all too clearly what it’s doing to Celia and Eden to want to put you and me in the same position.  Oh – I know it’s Celia’s nature to be discontented – but since she found herself trapped on what she considers to be the wrong side, she’s been ten times worse. And it’s tearing Eden in two. Do you want that?’
‘It wouldn’t be like that for us.’
‘How do you know?’  She paused to collect her thoughts, still determined to try and accomplish this without having to hurt him any more than necessary.  ‘I won’t marry you while the war places us on opposite sides, Kit – and that is quite final.  Neither do I see any point in continuing as we are. So I’ll ask you again.  Will you release me from my promise?’
‘I don’t seem to have much choice, do I?’ Sighing, he let his hands fall to his sides and looked bleakly across at her.  ‘What you’re really saying is that you don’t love me enough to take the risk … and I suppose that, deep down, I’ve always known it. I, on the other hand, have no such qualms – so you’ll have to forgive me if I can’t quite give up.  I love you, Kate.  Therefore, although I’ll do what you want now, I’ll be back when the war’s over to ask you again.  You have my word on it.’
It was the very last thing she wanted but, because her throat already ached for him, she could not say so.  And then, as she sought for some gentle way round it, the door swung open.
For an instant, sheer exasperation took Kate’s breath away and, when it came back, her first impulse was to scream with vexation.
‘God in heaven!’ she snapped. ‘Don’t you know how to knock?’
‘I beg your pardon.’  Luciano’s tone was courteously bland and there was nothing to indicate that he was drawing certain shrewd conclusions from the look on her face and on Mr Clifford’s.  ‘In fact I’d forgotten that you were here and only came to collect a book your father was kind enough to say I might borrow.’
‘You’re leaving?’ asked Kate, sharply. And then, to cover herself, ‘What book?’
‘Machiavelli’s Prince. Richard tells me it’s recently been translated and I’ve yet to read in it English.’
It sounded reasonable enough.  Kate didn’t believe a word of it.  Before she could say so, however, Kit said quietly, ‘I, too, should be leaving.  So while you find the signor his book, I’ll just go and see if Harry and Hugo are ready.  Excuse me.’
Kate watched him walk across the hall towards the parlour and then looked back at Luciano. She said flatly, ‘Someone will murder you one day.’
‘That is not at all unlikely.’  He began scanning the book-shelves. ‘But I don’t somehow think it will be you, Caterina.’
‘If you’re going to start all that again, it almost certainly will be me! And please stop calling me that!’  She stormed over to the window-seat and snatched up a leather-bound volume.  ‘Is this what you’re looking for?’
‘Yes … and no.’ He took it from her and placed it on the desk. Then, closing in to lay his hands on either side of her face, ‘I’m considering something which I believe occurred to both of us at a singularly inopportune moment earlier on.’
Paralysed by shock, Kate stared unwinkingly back at him.  And when no more clues appeared to be forthcoming, she said unevenly, ‘I don’t understand.  What are you doing?’
He said nothing but his smile melted her bones and his eyes suspended her in liquid darkness. Entirely without haste, one hand moved down over shoulder and arm to her waist and drew her closer, while the fingertips of the other explored her cheek and jaw with tantalising lightness.  She knew she ought to move or say something to break the spell but everything about him combined to mesmerise her; the curve of his mouth, the touch of his fingers, the faint scent of his skin.  So she remained in his hold, letting the unfamiliar tide continue to flow tingling along her veins and ceased caring what motive – if any – possessed him.  All that mattered was the warmth of his body against hers … and her own growing need to hold him.
Yielding to it, she slid her arms up around his neck and buried her hands in the long, crisply curling hair.  He smiled again and, as if it was the signal he had been waiting for, finally bent his head to hers.
His lips were cool and firm yet lazily unhurried and the first touch of them made her breath hitch.  The arm around her waist held her closer still and his other hand drifted enticingly up her nape to cradle her skull.  Slowly, willingly, Kate’s mouth opened under his – and the world outside his arms promptly disappeared.  The floor dissolved beneath her feet, flames licked her skin and suddenly she was drowning in fathom upon fathom of unimaginable sweetness.  
It was more than she had ever dreamed of … yet still not enough.
She wanted to know the texture of his skin, the imperfect line of his shoulders, the flat plane of his back.  She wanted more.  She wanted him. 
All the sensible denials and sterling resolves of the last two years fell away in as many seconds, leaving only one shining truth behind. She loved him.
The kiss stretched out into infinity … and ended too soon.  Slowly releasing her mouth but still holding her close, Luciano looked first into the dilated green eyes and then, almost reluctantly, towards the doorway.  And presently, coming back to earth sufficiently to be aware of his unnatural stillness, Kate stirred herself to follow his gaze.
Kit Clifford stood there, his face white with shock.  
Luciano’s hands fell from Kate and he took a small step away from her … while heavy, airless and unpleasant, the seconds ticked by in silence.  
Then finally, in a tone like splintering glass, Kit spoke.
‘I see now why you were so anxious to be free, Kate. It’s a pity you couldn’t bring yourself to be honest with me … but in the circumstances, I don’t suppose I should find it all that surprising.’  And with one last, bitter glance, he was gone.
The silence lingered. Kate discovered that she was shivering.  Or shaking.  She wasn’t sure which.  She looked at Luciano.  He was a trifle pale but otherwise seemingly composed.  She had no idea what to say so she waited for him to speak.
Then, with a faint, crooked smile, he did.  And the world tilted.
‘Forgive me, Caterina.  Dirty tactics – but effective.  And someone had to do it.’
She stared at him and he watched the significance of his words reach her by degrees; saw her eyes widen, first with disbelief and then with hurt; saw her realise, as he’d intended, that the kiss in itself meant nothing.  
And because, in truth, he was angry with himself, he said a little roughly, ‘As I said, I’m sorry.  But if Clifford loves you – if he really loves you – he’d never let you go without a very good reason.  And now he has one.’

Stella Riley

Winner of three gold medals for historical romance (Readers’ Favourite in 2019, Book Excellence Awards in 2020, Global Book Awards in 2022) and fourteen B.R.A.G. Medallions, Stella Riley lives in the beautiful medieval town of Sandwich in Kent.

She is fascinated by the English Civil Wars and has written six books set in that period. These, like the 7-book Rockliffe series  (recommended in The Times newspaper!) and the Brandon Brothers trilogy, are all available in audio, narrated by Alex Wyndham.

Stella enjoys travel, reading, theatre, Baroque music and playing the harpsichord. She also has a fondness for men with long hair - hence her 17th and 18th century heroes.

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Tuesday, 21 February 2023

Blog Tour - Hacienda Moon Expanded Edition by KaSonndra Leigh #Paranormal @KaSonndraLeigh

Hacienda Moon Expanded Edition
By KaSonndra Leigh

Publication date: February 21st 2023

Genres: Adult, Paranormal, Suspense

Tandie Harrison is a police medium struggling to pick up the pieces of her life after a devastating divorce that left her without her precious daughter and her psychic visions. With a heavy heart, she escapes the hustle and bustle of New York City and moves into the alluring plantation house, Chelby Rose. Here, she meets Eric, the home’s charismatic caretaker. Despite the ghostly warnings, Tandie finds herself drawn to him, and as their affair intensifies, so does the centuries-old curse haunting them both.

Suddenly, Tandie finds herself at the center of a dark and dangerous web full of deceit and intrigue. As fear begins to consume her, she must find the courage to face the demons of her past if she is to have any chance at a future. Hacienda Moon is a captivating story full of suspense and romance that will ensnare you from start to finish.

Note to readers and bookclubs:

This is the expanded and revamped edition of the Hacienda Moon that was originally published in 2012. Please be sure to add this version to your to-read list as this edition contains more gothic suspense, intrigue, and of course romance.


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The results of Eric’s handyman skills were beautiful. The final perk was the light rose-colored exterior paint, a shade considered original to the house. Eric didn’t say a word about my upgraded paintbrushes. He was too busy making sure I didn’t catch him watching me as I bent over to paint the lowest boards on the house. However, I turned around at the perfect moment on paint day and caught him staring. His face flushed so badly, I couldn’t resist doing something to celebrate my small victory.

“Wow, it’s so hot out here today.” I stretched my arms, lifting my tee-shirt up until my belly button was exposed, basking in the warmth of the late summer sun. Eric’s mouth fell open. Success! That move totally stole Mr. Intense’s attention. Tucking my lips, I made a move toward an even more creative tease, bending over to pick up one of the three paint brushes I’d dropped.

“What are you doing?” he asked.

“What does it look like? I dropped my paintbrushes.” I shrugged and waved the brush between us. “Did I not use the proper technique for bending over and picking it up?”

He gave me a dimpled grin and moved closer to where I stood beside the house. Glancing down at the brushes beside my feet, he said, “They do look somewhat dirty. You sure you can handle that task? You strike me as somewhat of a nice girl. With that much paint and dirt all in the heads, you have to get a little rough with cleaning them.” His gaze bore into mine, smoldering me under a hazel brown sugary-colored look this time.

I held his gaze. “Oh, believe me. I have plenty of ways to clean dirty things.”

There was about a foot of space between us now. “Is that right?”

“Oh yeah,” I answered, hoping that the pulse line on my neck didn’t show the way my heart thumped inside my chest.

His gaze drifted from my eyes down to my lips and finally ended at my left shoulder. “Then why don’t you start by cleaning that big red spider off your shoulder?” An amused smile spread across his lips, but a scream shrilled out of mine.

Eric slammed his hands over his ears. “Damn it, Tandie.”

Adrenaline spiked through me. He might as well have said my breasts were hanging out. He would’ve gotten less of a response than he did with the spider statement. “Get it off me! Do you see it? Is it still there? Get it!” I shrieked, jumping around and spinning in half circles.

“I won’t help you until you stop trying to burst my eardrums,” he said, still half-way smiling. He came over and put his arms around me, pulling me into his embrace. “Calm down, Tandie. It’s gone, all right?”

Vowing to never tease Eric ever again, I waited for my breathing to normalize and for my trembling limbs to steady as I was pressed against Eric’s chest.

Meet your word sculptress...

Author of the International bestselling novels, the Prelude and the Lost Immortals Saga, KaSonndra is also a mother, designer, reader, gardener, home renovator, and a slayer of undead Egyptian mummies in Tomb Raider. She believes in karma, coffee, and seriously wishes that the producers of Xena would bring her favorite show back.

KaSonndra was born in the race-car city of Charlotte, NC, and now lives in the City of Alchemy and Medicine, NC, when she's not hanging out in Bardonia (Lost Immortals Saga setting). Most of her characters are based on people that she has met throughout her travels and adventures.

People tend to stop and start conversations with KaSonndra as if she has known them her entire life. Does this freak her out? Not really. Her mom says that one day she’ll get kidnapped by one of these folks. KaSonndra's response? She told her mom that if it weren’t for these lovely people, then she wouldn’t be able to create such fabulously romantic stories!

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Cover Reveal — Keep Me Falling (Seasons of Love, #4) by Jayne Townsley Romance @JayneTownsley

Keep Me Falling
(Seasons of Love, #4)
By Jayne Townsley

Genres: Contemporary, New Adult, Romance

Amy and Dean meet on a summer vacation trip and start something that should be nothing more than a summertime fling. Hearts aren’t supposed to get in the way of just having some fun.

But a stalker after one of Amy’s friends puts them in closer quarters than they’d imagined and has them both thinking that maybe there is something between them that has forever magic in it.

When Amy finally decides she’s all in, Dean backs out and leaves her devastated. For 5 seconds. Because that’s her new rule: Let it hurt for 5 seconds and then move on.

Brady has been standing in the wings waiting for Dean to commit or for Amy to get fed up, and when Dean does a runner, Brady is more than happy to begin spending time with Amy. And to marry Amy. And to have a baby with Amy.

Now it’s Dean’s turn to watch. And hover. And that 5-second rule ain’t doing it for him. He regrets knowing he lost the best woman to have ever entered his life.

Tragedy won’t leave Amy alone, though, and Brady is cruelly taken from her but not before Brady shares with Dean how he knows Amy and Dean still love each other. And would Dean please watch over Amy and the baby she’s about to have?

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Jayne Townsley lives in Northeast Oklahoma's aptly named Green Country. A transplanted Chicago suburbanite, she has grown to love this state and its people with a passion, happily calling it home since 2005.

She also blogs, makes gorgeous scrapbooks, creates stunning greeting cards, works with special education students, and has an obsession with Disney World.

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Blog Tour — Crazy to Believe by Madison Michael #Romance

Crazy to Believe
By Madison Michael

Publication Date: February 21st 2023
Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Romance

She’s Betting on Love and the Stakes are High

The “Crazy Eights” have been best friends for thirty years, but they rarely get together. The remedy? An audacious dare contrived to bring them together for weddings—their weddings. Each participant must marry within twelve months or complete a personally mortifying task.

Meet Sofia, beautiful and brilliant, longing for a family. Starting over after a divorce, Sofia is focused on her career, not some foolhardy dare. She’s set her sights on a new job, a new home and reluctantly accepting her single, childless status. Independent and determined, she can’t foresee she will both win and lose her heart’s desire in the next six months.

Jeremy Klein, genius engineer and inventor, is also making big life changes. He’s sold his startup to become a billionaire CEO overnight. Unfortunately, his ego hasn’t caught up yet, and despite family pressures and turning forty, he is gun-shy about returning to the dating game.

Then Jeremy meets Sofia. They bond over shared business interests and a chemistry that sizzles. Their attraction is immediate and so electrifying that a one-night stand quickly morphs into planning a future.

But plans can change. Accusations threaten to derail their relationship, Sofia’s career and Jeremy’s position. Spies, lies and misunderstandings abound until those “Crazy Eights” step in, scheming and manipulating to secure Sofia her happily ever after.

The stakes are high. Win the bet and lose your heart; or lose the bet along with your dignity. When the wager is nothing short of true love, are Jeremy and Sofia crazy to believe?

In the tradition of The Beguiling Bachelor Series, Madison Michael creates a romance series about independent and sassy women, sexy and successful men, love, passion, and lasting friendships. Infused with a bit of suspense and plenty of humor, Crazy to Believe is a complex romance you’ll be reading all night.


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“It’s just that we never see each other anymore,” Gabriella grumbled “Sofia is in Boston, Harper is way the hell north and Willow’s on her stupid farm. Just hear me out. Avery’s always busy with her cat rescue, Melanie, with her kids. Sydney is off in New Jersey—we need to fix that, Hon—and even though Rachel lives here in Chicago, we never find time to get together. I hate that it took a reunion for even six of us to be together. At this rate, it will be ten years before we see each other again.” There were sad nods around the table.

“We’re together at weddings and funerals,” Sydney contributed sadly. “Although I don’t recommend more funerals.”

“Noooo—” Sofia spotted the moment Gabriella’s wheels started turning. Gabriella was hung up on Sydney’s words, contemplative, preoccupied. “Not more funerals, please,” she finally continued, “but more weddings would be nice.” Gabriella’s pixie face beamed with mischief.

“What are you plotting?” Harper questioned. Everyone’s attention swung to Gabriella’s face.

“Look at how many of us are single.” Gabriella began, ticking them each off on her fingers like she was reviewing her grocery list. “We are ripe for weddings. We could marry Harper off to Travis , for example, and find Sydney a husband here in Chicago.”

“Wait a sec,” Harper jumped in. Sofia couldn’t remember ever seeing the usually calm Harper this anxious. “I haven’t said two words to Travis tonight.” Sofia was similarly jittery. Gabriella was up to something, and that was never good.

“Well, we need to fix that. I have a husband, so do Melanie and Sofia. Sofia glimpsed down at her lap. She really needed to say something about the divorce. “But we could marry off the rest of you,” Gabriella said as if she was suggesting they go out for coffee. “You are all great catches, my friends. Men should be fighting over you.”

“Count me out,” Avery replied in a millisecond. “I’ve never wanted a husband.”

“I’m not sure I want to remarry,” Sydney admitted in her low voice.

Sensing Gabriella’s scorn from across the table, Sofia barely waggled her head no. She was being set up and rightly so. Gabriella opened her mouth to speak forcing Sofia to pipe up at last. “I need to say something.” She lowered the hand she’d raised as if in the schoolroom and took a deep breath. She wasn’t ready for the questions, and she had no good excuse for waiting so long to share. But Gabriella was done waiting, and it wasn’t Gabriella’s secret to tell. Once she held their attention, Sofia continued. “Count me in on this effort.”

Melanie’s head swerved in Sofia’s direction. “I don’t think so,” Melanie said , disbelief on her pretty features. “Nico would certainly object.”

“Object? Nico would kill you,” Avery chimed in, tossing a pat of butter at Sofia. “Are you insane?”

She shouldn’t have waited, Sofia realized. As embarrassed as she was about the divorce, she was horrified to admit she hadn’t told her friends. Yes, splitting with Nico weighed on her as a failure, but keeping it from the Crazies felt like a betrayal. Why hadn’t she seen this months ago?

“There is no Nico.”

Madison Michael is living her dream as a romance writer. Born and raised in Chicago, she covered the four corners of the U.S, before returning to her roots, friends, family and the best pizza anywhere.

She loves cats, cat jokes and cat videos, anything with too much sugar, and everything writing. Author of the Beguiling Bachelor romance series, and several stand alone romance novels, she can be found living in Chicago, writing, eating sugar, pizza or hotdogs, surrounded by cats.

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Wednesday, 15 February 2023

Blog Tour — Sea Magic by Heidi McIntyre

Sea Magic
By Heidi McIntyre

Publication Date: February 13th 2023
Genres: Historical, Magical Realism, Women’s Fiction

When a reluctant psychic tracks a ghost through the mists of time, the treasure she discovers is worth more than gold.

She knows everyone in this seaside, New England town of Penbrook, and everyone knows her—Madeline Hunter, the shy, quiet antique shop owner who whose idea of a hot date is snuggling up with a good book and her cat, Poe.

But she keeps one thing under her vintage hat—her ability to touch an object and connect with its history. Her new-age aunt says she should embrace her “gift”, but she’d rather pretend it doesn’t exist.

After buying an old box at an estate sale filled with rare items, Madeline started having dreams—startlingly vivid dreams about Maria, a young headstrong Puritan whose “knowing” could get her branded as a witch, and whose forbidden love for a poor sailor caused a scandal.

Together with Evan, an attractive history professor who tempts her to believe in love, she uncovers Maria’s story, helpless to stop its trajectory toward tragedy. She may not be able to change the course of history, but with Evan’s support, maybe she can lay the ghosts of the past to rest—including her own.

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Maria Hallett
Cape Cod, August 1717

There was a perilous storm last night, with gusts of wind that tore through Eastham like a scourge. The violence of the driving rain had matched my own rage, a pain so bone deep I wondered how I would survive it.

That’s what grief had become for me, a boiling pot of emotions that kept me teetering on the edge. My love was everything to me—my North Star, my

protector, and my deliverer. But now all that was left of him was this interminable rain that drove his coffin deeper into its watery grave.

I placed my shawl on the wet sand and sat down, glaring at the ocean as if I could resurrect him at will. My legs itched from the rough fabric of my homespun

skirt bunched up above my ankles. I picked up a fistful of the cool sand, let it sift through my fingers, and smelled the musty, brackish air. As I undid the pins

of my white cap, my hair billowed like a sail in the breeze.

The noonday sun had long been hidden behind dark, gray clouds—the last remnants of that dreadful weather. A much worse storm had already laid

its mark on this place just four months ago. The devil had a hand in that horrible night, I’m sure of it. At low tide, I could still see the planked shell of his ship like

the bones of a beached whale.

I was afraid my little cottage just above those cliff dunes would be torn apart, so I hid out in my uncle’s barn not but a quarter mile from here. The lashing

rain and howling wind woke me in the middle of the night, giving me a jittery feeling, and I knew something had gone terribly wrong. I pulled my blanket up to my neck and burrowed deep in the hay, but sleep did not come.

The townspeople said I was a witch, but I swear on the Lord’s Holy Bible that was a lie. I admit to having a knowing, just like I knew a storm was brewing

long before the wind picked up and the sky turned pitch-black.

I must humbly confess, for as long as I could remember, I had this feeling about certain things, like a seed that had been planted deep inside me. But I don’t cast spells or cavort with the devil. And I can’t see the future.

My knowing’s neither good nor evil…it just is.

Always an avid reader, Heidi was inspired to write by her college professor who convinced her to switch majors to English. From then on, she harbored a secret wish to write a novel one day. Heidi spent most of her marketing career as a consultant specializing in fresh produce where she worked with a variety of growers, commodity boards, and associations. Her marketing campaigns received multiple awards.

Sea Magic is her debut novel and the first of the Hidden Gems series, which was also a finalist in the 2022 Page Turner Awards. Originally from New Jersey, Heidi lives in Oviedo, Florida with her husband, Tim, and their dog Pumpkin. She loves coffee, chocolate, yoga and visiting historical places.

Heidi pens a quarterly newsletter about her passion for writing, marketing, and the history of her characters. For more information, visit

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Blog Tour — Acing the Game by Carey PW #Romance #LGBTQ+ @CareyPW2

Acing the Game
By Carey PW

Publication Date: February 10th 2023
Genres: Adult, Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance

Is food really the way into a person’s heart?

Shep Lee thought he had it all. A successful restaurant, a loving husband who understood his asexuality, and most of all, the ability to be himself, a popular chef in the small town of Cloverleaf, Montana. That is, until his husband, Elmer Eshler, began pushing Shep more on sex.

Elmer doesn’t understand why he can’t turn his partner on—aren’t they perfect for each other? And Shep loves him, right? Shep, meanwhile, while confident with his body, is and forever will be sex indifferent. Why has Elmer suddenly changed his tune? But he doesn’t want to lose the man he loves so much. What can they do?

Shep convinces Elmer to try a polyamorous relationship. Elmer gets to have Shep and the sex life he’s always wanted. Shep gets a cooking buddy and a chance to experience a relationship and even try sex with a woman as his authentic gender. At first, Shep isn’t sure, but finds himself coming around—this feels safer than opening up the relationship. All three of them will be romantically involved, so that should ease any jealousy, right?

But when Willow Saint, a free-spirited, boisterous, and saucy young woman, comes into their lives, neither are prepared for the emotional and sexual rollercoaster that follows. Enthralled by Willow’s charm and kindness, Elmer and Shep struggle to understand what this means for their own bond. Can they become one happy family? Or will this ruin everything?


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“Can I tell you something? Please don’t tell anyone else?”

He nodded.

“I don’t like—well, sex is complicated for me,” I informed him. “Don’t take this the wrong way, but I don’t want to have sex with other people. I’ve done it, and everything works fine, but I don’t get urges to do it with others.” I cringed at how strange it all sounded.

At that time, I’d no concept of asexuality. I knew that I didn’t experience sexual attraction, and I didn’t enjoy sex with people. Orgasms felt great. Yet, it was more natural to masturbate or maybe have someone give me a hand job. The kissing, the touching, and the intercourse part sometimes made me grimace. It wasn’t my thing.

I scoured his face, seeing his brows bent in deep thought—or confusion. I held my breath as I waited for him to say something.

“Are you not attracted to men?” he inquired.

I smirked a little. I got this same question every time I tried to talk to anyone about my sexuality. “I’m not gay. I mean, I’m bisexual in the sense that I’m willing to have sex with men or women. But this isn’t about me not being attracted to men. I prefer not to do it with another person.” I started cracking my knuckles. After Tank shared that he had a physical impairment, I figured he’d accept it and move on.

“So are you not into relationships?” he asked. His eyes darted all over as he gazed at me.

“Yes!” I exclaimed. “I very much want a relationship. Sex is part of that for many people. It isn’t the whole thing. I’d be extremely interested in having a relationship with you.” I smiled, offering him my hand.

He wrapped his fingers around mine and pulled his body closer to me.

“Does that mean that we can’t have sex in other ways? Like other than intercourse?” he asked, slowly caressing my palm.

I placed my head on his shoulder. “I think we can work out anything we want to. Something that works for both of us.”

He glanced away. “You’re not attracted to me then,” he stated somberly.

I pulled his face up and kissed him. His body shivered against mine. He slid his arm around me, squeezing me tight.

“I’m very much attracted to you as a person,” I whispered in his ear. “That’s what’s important. I find you pleasing to look at. It’s just not sexual.”

“I guess you won’t be cheating on me, then,” he joked and gave a little chuckle.

His face still looked confused, but we changed the subject and passed out on my couch, snuggling under a blanket. There would be many conversations, but from that moment on, Tank accepted me. About a year later, we got married.

Carey PW (he/they) is an author, college instructor, and mental health counselor.

Carey currently lives in Montana, and identifies as nonbinary, transmasculine (AFAB) and panromantic asexual. Carey has discovered that writing about his lived experiences is a therapeutic outlet for him and hopes that his readers relate to his own personal struggles and triumphs shared through his characters’ narratives. He has also worked as a high school and college writing instructor, earning a B.A. in English Literature, a M.Ed. in English Education, and Ph.D. in Social Foundations of Education all from the University of Georgia. In 2020, Carey earned his second M.Ed. in Counselor Education and works as a licensed clinical professional counselor, LCPC.

Readers can learn more about Carey from his blog, When he is not writing, Carey is busy training for marathons, parenting his six cats, sharing his culinary talents on social media, and serving on the board for the nonprofit Center for Studies of the Person (CSP).

Carey PW loves to hear from readers. You can find his contact information, website and author biography at

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Blog Tour - Lipstick Diaries: Chemical Reaction by Tiye #Romance

Lipstick Diaries: Chemical Reaction
By Tiye

Publication Date: February 17th 2023
Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Romance


Chemical Reaction: Second Chance Romance

Five years ago, Simone Austin walked away from Chris Alexander, the possible love of her life. Their mad chemistry still haunts her, and no other man has been able to live up to the man she left behind. Tired of being single, Simone, two of her cousins, and her best friend make a pact. They vow to be sexually fierce, completely open, and purposeful in getting what they each want from men.

Even second chances.
After a thirst-trapping pic of Simone is posted on IG, she receives plenty of male attention, including a private message from Chris. Simone can feel the heat through his words and decides to reconnect. Soon old insecurities seep in, and Simone questions if she’s too afraid to get burned again to take another risk on Chris.

**This is a follow-up to Chemistry and the beginning of Lipstick Diaries**


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“What do you want?”

“I don’t know,” I answered quickly.

Chris sighed. “You know what you want. Still the same frustrating Simone. Too afraid to live. To enjoy the here and now. It’s a Friday afternoon, and I’m here for the weekend. Can we be real for once?”

Incensed at his bite, I hit back. “Really? From what I remember, I was always real. You were the one pretending.” I pushed my chair back. “If I’m so frustrating, you can take your tired ass back to New York. Sorry for wasting your time.”

He quickly put his hands up. “Simone, calm down. Please. Sorry. Guess I’ve been wishing so long to talk to you, I’m about to blow it because I am demanding and determined when I want something.” Chris admitted sheepishly, “Might even be a little aggressive when it comes to wanting you.”

I ducked my head slightly to hide my blush at his honest admission about still wanting me. “Let’s not forget impatient.”

“Oh no, that’s you.” He pointed with his fantastic smile, softening his retort. “I would’ve waited forever to be with you.”

Not quite able to meet his eyes, I replied quietly, “Sometimes I wonder if we confused lust for love. Everything escalated so fast for us.”

“Never for me. I wanted you since that first day of class. I’ve been with women, been in love a time or two, even had a wife, but you affect me like no one ever has.” He placed his hands under the table but not before I caught the trembling.

“Affect? Not affected? Not past tense?” I shook my head and moved my cup to the side. “After all these years, you can’t possibly still feel the same?”

He searched my face earnestly. “Why is that hard for you to believe? You wouldn’t have asked to see me if you didn’t feel something for me. Like you said, it’s been years.”

“Do you have a girlfriend?”

Chris grinned. “I plan to after this weekend.”

I wagged my finger. “You’re not going to get me caught up anymore.”

“Then why am I here?”

Thinking of the Lipstick Diaries and what they would tell me to do, I inhaled deeply and glanced around the half-empty coffee shop. I knew exactly what I wanted when I noticed he liked my pic.

“Why am I here, Simone?” His brow furrowed deeply. “Did you ask me here to tell me you’re getting married or some crazy shit? If that’s the reason, you didn’t have to bother. Figured that would happen for you sooner or later since that’s all that seems to fucking matter to you.”

“Who’s the one still mad, now?” I leaned closer, his anger making me even hotter for him. “I want you one last time. This weekend. You and me. Nothing but sex.”

I recalled reading romance ever since I was a young child and would sneak and read the Western love stories my grandmother kept on her bedside table. Although I didn’t understand half of the words I read at the time, something about those books captured my attention. As I grew older, my love of romance expanded to other genres, and I became a fan of anything remotely related to reading and books, such as libraries, bookstores, and the coffee shop around the corner. I love to travel and have lived in several cities, including New Orleans, Washington D.C., and Houston, and continue to find inspiration for my stories from every place I’ve had the fortune to visit or inhabit.

I want my readers to escape their realities and embark on a journey of self-exploration and love when they delve into my books. I’ve loved reading fiction, thrillers, and romance for years. Although my original (and still) writing interest was YA and self-help books, I received a surprise text one Valentine's Day, and wrote the very first chapter of a romance novel that day. And I became forever inspired to write spicy love stories - with a twist.

Please take a ride with me, Tiye Love, and hold on to your hearts! I invite you to check out my website and join my newsletter at

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Tuesday, 14 February 2023

#CoverReveal - Let It Rein (A Blue Series Story) by DP Denman #Romance #LGBTQ+ @DPDenman

Let It Rein
(A Blue Series Story)
By DP Denman

Publication Date: March 17th 2023
Genres: Adult, Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance

The riskiest games are played from the heart.

According to the tabloids, Kasper Rein is a player on the prowl. Sturdy and sexy, with a voice of pure seduction, he’s seldom alone. The fans love him. Men and women want him. The paparazzi stalks him. He’s living a rock star’s dream — until someone wants him out of the spotlight.

The new man in Kasper’s life wants more than his fame. Mat wants his heart. He’s willing to battle his own trust issues for a chance at real love, but someone else wants Kasper out of the way. Cryptic threats and attempts on his life leave Kasper with a charred house, too many visits from the paramedics, and no answers. Kasper must uncover the person behind the violence before it’s too late — and they’re closer than he thinks.


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Award-winning author DP Denman writes addictive, character-driven gay romance from a soggy, moss-covered neighborhood in the Pacific Northwest. Her stories are dramatic and intense, guaranteed to hold you hostage to the last word.

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Blog Tour - Teach Me by L. L. Ash #Romance @LLAsh14

Teach Me
By L. L. Ash

Publication Date: February 14th 2023
Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Romance

From the Bestselling Author of HIM.


I’ve been trying to get that TA job ever since my senior year at college. I’m in my last semester of my Master’s degree and finally got the job. Only problem is our new professor is a sexy, middle aged, brilliant writer and an even better teacher. He runs the English department and now he’s my boss, my professor, and the center of every last one of my fantasies. There’s no way I should want him this much, but it’s those dang glasses and that smile and that little dimple in his chin. I was swooning the moment I met Professor Harlo, but the moment he opened his mouth, I fell in love.


This is the last thing I wanted. I’m fresh off a divorce and with two kids and two demanding careers, I don’t have the time or energy for this. Except, this girl sticks inside my brain like ABC gum and I can’t shake her. Doesn’t help that we’re crammed in my office grading papers several days a week for hours at a time. The whole innocent thing she has going on kept me away, but she’s a writer too, and I made the mistake of reading her half finished romance book. Unfortunately for me, the things I love about this girl are her mind and spirit, and those are the two things I can’t say no to.

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Writing was my life.

And I’m not joking about that. If I couldn’t write, I would be absolutely useless to society. Some people take antidepressants, or do yoga or hike, or eat really good chocolate ice cream. For me, I write. It’s my therapy, if you will.

So, to say that my creative writing class was my favorite my first year of college was a bit of an understatement. I mean, I’d taken it every year since I started college. When I became knowledgeable enough to become the class’s TA, oh my God, it was like a dream come true.

Sure, being a teaching assistant was mostly just correcting tests, reading papers and doing the grunt work that my professor didn’t have time to do, but I didn’t care. I was going to be learning from some of the best, and my writing was going to benefit. Hell, maybe I’d even try to publish!

Now, the big obstacle ahead of me was getting the job.

I stood outside my professor’s office door, waiting for time to tick by because I was ten minutes early.

“Goddamnit!” I heard from behind the office door and my eyes widened.

Professor Harlo was new, replacing my recently retired professor. A spike of worry shot through me, wondering if the man had a temper.

The door swung open and there Professor Harlo was, over six feet tall, in slacks and a white shirt, deft fingers ripping off his tie.

“Oh, shit,” he whispered, jumping a little when he saw me there outside his door. “You here for the TA job?”

I nodded dumbly, my head bobbing up and down while he dabbed at his shirt. The big brown coffee stain on the front of his shirt finally grabbed my attention.

“Are you ok?” I finally bumbled, grabbing the tissue out of his hand so I could vigorously rub at the stain. “Did it burn you?”

Professor Harlo raised an eyebrow at me and watched me make a bloody fool of myself while I cleaned off my professor.

Oh God…

I finally blinked, realizing what I was doing, and shoved the napkin back at him.

“Sorry, I don’t know what I was…”

“Know how to get this out?” he asked, pointing to the spot and interrupting my apology.

I nodded.

“Good,” he said, waving me into his office as he wandered back in himself.

Those fingers, long and dexterous, started unbuttoning his shirt, starting from the neck down. I watched slack-jawed while he didn’t even bother glancing at me.

“Consider this a trial run,” he said finally, sliding his shirt off his arms before he bunched it against his bare chest.

Uh, yes, bare chest. And what a chest it was! His skin was pale, but there were muscles there that many academic men never bothered to develop. A dusting of freckles sprinkled across his pecs, and a peppering of dark hair trailed down into the band of his slacks.

“Hey,” he called, making the ‘I’m watching you’ motion with his fingers and eyes. “Get this all cleaned up and you’ve got the job.”

I blinked, clearing my mind as he shoved the shirt at me and pulled on an old man cardigan that fit him so well; the horn rimmed glasses on his face accentuating his dark, carmel colored eyes.

“What’s your name, by the way?” he asked once he was dressed again.

I drew my eyes away from the little triangle of chest and neck I was staring at and looked him in the face.

“Mia,” I stammered. “Mia Miller.”

“That’s fun enunciation,” he said with a grunt. “Ok, Miss Mia Miller. I want that back by tomorrow. Can you handle it?”

I lifted my eyebrows and nodded.

“Good,” was all he said before grabbing his leather briefcase bag and moving past me through the door, locking it on the way out. “By lunch tomorrow!”

I watched him saunter off after locking his office door behind us, and felt like my entire world had just imploded in that tiny room.

Once he was gone though, it was easier to breathe, and when I got some oxygen into my brain, I was able to finally convince myself of how idiotic my little instant crush was. Not only was my professor likely ‘over the hill’ and in his forties, but he was going to be my boss. Because yeah, I was getting the darn job, and no amount of coffee stained shirts were going to get in my way.

Shutting off the blood flow to my little love button, I stuffed the shirt into my backpack and hurried to my next class. Math. Yuck.

L.L. Ash is a Washington-born writer who has traveled and lived across the western coast of the US. Ash has been writing fiction since she was a pre-teen, and while her writing has improved since then, her love for literature has not changed.

Oftentimes you can find Ash reading an indie romance or enjoying a historical fiction. Dabbling in culinary arts and music, Ash has been an artist for decades but found her true love and passion in romances.

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Blog Tour - Entangle You by Diana A. Hicks #ContemporaryRomance @diana_hicks

Entangle You
By Diana A. Hicks

Publication Date: January 30th 2023
Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Romance, Suspense

Find out what happens when a college graduate meets a wealthy CEO in a coffee shop and discovers a chemistry that burns hotter than a steaming latte!

Life has never been much of a fairytale for Valentina, but she’s determined to make up for her past mistakes and bring her son home. Could an intimidating-as-hell coffee house stranger really hold the key to make that happen?

Derek didn’t set out to be anyone’s prince. He may have the riches of a king, but his divorce has made him feel powerless in the battle to keep the business he worked so hard to make a success.

He’s on the verge of losing everything while Valentina struggles to keep what little she has together. Can love over lattes help them build something new?

Author’s Note: Entangle You was previously published under Love Over Lattes.

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Only 99¢ for a limited time!


“I dropped my key.” God, I sounded like an idiot.

She nodded and scooted her chair back. I had an odd urge to grab her leg to stop her. Women normally didn’t run away from me. What the hell? I rose to my feet. Her eyes followed mine until her long neck and smooth collarbone were exposed. Sexy. Now it was my turn to take a step back. Distance felt like a good idea. I smiled at her and placed my hands on my hips to keep myself in check.

Our gazes locked, and I swallowed, feet glued to the wooden planks. “Hi, I’m Cole.” I offered her my hand. “Derek Cole.”

Valentina arched a perfectly-shaped eyebrow. She wore no makeup, but her skin was soft and radiant.

My fingers itched to touch her, to give in, and… “I mean, my name is Derek, but my friends call me Cole.” That usually came out a lot smoother.

“Nice to meet you.” She placed her hand in mine. Gardenias. She smelled like gardenias. “I’m Valentina.”

Her hand was small, but she had a firm shake. Here was a woman who knew what she wanted, who wasn’t afraid of anything. Why was she crying then? Like the first day I saw her, a smile pulled at the corner of my mouth, and a blast of adrenaline rushed through me. A feeling I only got when I wrote code. Suddenly, I released her hand as if it had turned into a piece of hot coal.

“Well, I gotta go.” I showed her my key. The universal sign for this is the only reason I came back. I had to go before I made a complete ass of myself and broke the only rule keeping my head above water right now—no attachments, especially of the female kind.

“Good luck with your list.” I turned to leave.

“I’ll need a little more than luck to get my house back,” she muttered, eyes brimming with tears again.

Damn it.

Through the window, a cloud rushed across the sky, covering the sun for a moment. The shift in lighting stopped me in my tracks. Shit. This was a bad idea. Just then I chucked any fantasy I’d ever had about Valentina from my mind before I walked to the condiment bar and grabbed a couple of napkins. When I walked back to her, I forced a slow gait, taking my time pulling out the chair next to her. I kept waiting for her to send me away, but she never did. Instead, she gawked at me as if I had suddenly grown an extra head.

“What happened?” I offered her the bunch of napkins.

I couldn’t get involved with her or drag her down with me into this never-ending divorce, but that didn’t mean I had to be an asshole. Five minutes, I could give her five minutes of my time.

“It doesn’t matter.” The unshed tears made her eyes look like a perfectly-brewed espresso. She reached for the napkins, keeping her gaze on my fingers, as if she were afraid I’d yank the napkins away. “I’ll find another one.”

The fake bravado tugged at something in my chest. I understood the desolation I found in her expression well. But as much as I wanted to help her, I wouldn’t know how. She’d be better off calling her mom back.

Tears rolled down her face again. When she tipped her head down to hide them, she disarmed me. A few drops had fallen on her flower skirt. Please don’t cry, I wanted to say, but instead, I glanced toward the door.

“I have to go.” She tore the page off her notebook and folded it.

The creases on the paper were even and neat. You could tell a lot about a person by how they handled their personal effects. Everything about her was tidy and organized. She was driven.

She rose to her feet and then stuffed her list in one of the outer pockets. “It was nice meeting you, Derek.”

“Please call me Cole.” I jerked to my feet, then winced.

I shouldn’t have said that. We weren’t friends. We couldn’t be. A year ago, maybe. But now I would just hurt her. And she obviously didn’t deserve that. I rubbed my jaw, tapping my fingers on my lips. Valentina spun and headed for the door.

My pulse raced, and something heavy settled in my stomach. She was leaving. If she lost her home, who knew when she’d be back at Cafe Triste? And I needed her here. I needed her to break up the days, to give me a reason to get up in the morning and leave the house. But she didn’t know that. To her, I was a stranger. We were strangers. She didn’t owe me shit, and vice versa. I pinched the bridge of my nose.

Let her go.

Biting my lip, I rubbed the back of my neck. “I have a rental you might be interested in,” I blurted out.

She spun around, frowning, mouth slightly opened.

Author Bio:

Diana A. Hicks is an award-winning author of steamy romantic suspense and science-fiction romance.

When Diana is not writing, she enjoys hot yoga, kickboxing, traveling, and indulging in the simple joys of life like wine and chocolate. She lives in Atlanta and loves spending time with her two children and husband. Connect with Diana on social media to stay up to date on her latest releases.

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Check out Ghost Encounters: The Lingering Spirits of North Devon By Helen Hollick with Kathy Hollick #GhostEncounters #Ghosts #NorthDevon #FriendlyGhosts #BlogTour #TheCoffeePotBookClub @HelenHollick @cathiedunn

  Ghost Encounters:  The Lingering Spirits of North Devon By Helen Hollick with Kathy Hollick Publication Date: 27th February 2025 Publisher...