Thursday, 30 March 2023

#BookReview - Culloden: Blood on the Moor by Joshua C Wells #HistoricalFiction #Scotland

Blood on the Moor
By Joshua C Wells

Publication Date: 30th September 2022
Publisher: Austin Macauley
Page Length: 254 Pages
Genre: Historical Fiction

As Bonnie Prince Charlie lands in Scotland, intent on regaining the British crown for the Stuarts, Gregor, a young, ostracised Highlander, has fallen in with a gang of murderous outlaws, whose actions lead him ever closer to a date with the hangman…

Meanwhile, Flora, a young, beautiful Scottish girl, finds herself visited by a ghostly and sinister hag, who wishes to involve her in the fate of the prince.

Both Gregor and Flora find the paths of their lives dramatically altered by the Bonnie Prince, and their futures dependent on the success or failure of the Jacobite rebellion. Futures which would ultimately be decided at the battle of Culloden…


"The world is a complicated place...And there is nothing more complicated than the scheming of kings and princes."

The standard of Charles Edward Stuart has been raised, and it is only a matter of time before the Clans flock to his cause. Charles is determined to claim his birthright—he is convinced that God is on his side. He just needs to convince the Clans that he will lead them to victory, that he will lead them to glory.

The historical detailing of this story has to be commended, and it is backed up by confident research. The hours that Wells has dedicated to researching this period of history shine through in the enthralling, although often harrowing, narrative. I think it is fair to say that Wells has an almost visceral understanding of what makes history worth reading, and once started, I found myself reading this book well into the night. 

Bonnie Prince Charlie, is a name that, for anyone interested in Scottish history, is instantly recognisable. Wells has portrayed him as a man who is steadfast in his belief that it is his destiny, his right, to be crowned king, and not just of Scotland. He wants everything, he wants to restore the Stuart monarchy, and this makes him a very interesting historical character, and I thought Wells did a remarkable job in breathing life back into him. Likewise, I enjoyed following Gregor's story. I thought the contrast between Charles and Gregor's story gave this novel an added touch of time and place. It was really interesting to read about the man who was giving the orders and the one who was obeying them.

As this story progresses, the reader witnesses, first-hand, the breakdown between Charles and Lord Murray. I thought the relationship between these two men was fascinating. Charles refuses to listen to wise counsel, preferring to listen to men who say what he wants to hear. His arrogance, his almost delusional belief that God was on his side, and that he would succeed even when the odds were stacked against him was wonderfully depicted. I thought this relationship breakdown between Charles and Murray was beautifully portrayed and it really gives the reader an insight into the final days of the Jacobite Rebellion and it shines a light on the needless, countless deaths of men who should not have been asked to engage with a far superior force in a place such as Culloden where the terrain was not in their favour. It was a case of lambs being sent to slaughter, yet knowing they were being sent to the slaughter. I thought the battle of Culloden came across as not only harrowing but also chaotic. Charles, when he sees what is happening, what he has caused, falls into an unresponsive stupor and I could not help but feel sorrow, not for Charles, but for what he did, how many he was willing to sacrifice before he realised that the game was up. While he fled, Prince William Augustus, Duke of Cumberland gave no quarter and I think that was one of the hardest parts to read because there was no forgiveness, the rebellion wasn't just doused, it was put to the sword, and all those lives that were lost were for nothing in the end. I think Wells did a really good job of portraying the senseless slaughter. 

Culloden: Blood on the Moor is an immensely readable novel. You do not have to know anything about the Jacobite Rebellion to enjoy this story, for everything is explained and explored in explicit detail. The book is very battle-heavy, which is of no surprise considering the topic, but I thought the author brought a humanly emotional touch to the characters that made this story immensely enjoyable, even when the subject was quite dark in the telling.

There is no doubt that this book is a work of flawless historical scholarship. It is also a thrilling read that keeps the reader turning those pages until that final full stop. This is the kind of book that deserves not only a place on your bookshelf, but it is also one that demands to be read again and again. It is an impressively dramatic story and one that I cannot praise enough.



Joshua C Wells lives in the south-west of England. His interest in military history has led him to writing novels based upon historic military campaigns.

Friday, 3 March 2023

Have a sneak peek between the covers of The Du Lac Prophecy (Book 4 of The Du Lac Chronicles) by Mary Anne Yarde #HistoricalFiction

Two Prophesies. Two Noble Households. One Throne.

Distrust and greed threaten to destroy the House of du Lac. Mordred Pendragon strengthens his hold on Brittany and the surrounding kingdoms while Alan, Mordred’s cousin, embarks on a desperate quest to find Arthur’s lost knights. Without the knights and the relics they hold in trust, they cannot defeat Arthur’s only son – but finding the knights is only half of the battle. Convincing them to fight on the side of the Du Lac’s, their sworn enemy, will not be easy.

If Alden, King of Cerniw, cannot bring unity there will be no need for Arthur’s knights. With Budic threatening to invade Alden’s Kingdom, Merton putting love before duty, and Garren disappearing to goodness knows where, what hope does Alden have? If Alden cannot get his House in order, Mordred will destroy them all.


The Abbey of Glastingberie.

“I think you are wasting your time. There is no need for relics and ancient weapons. We have God.”

“Well then the next time you are speaking to God could you ask him to send us an army of angels and several legions of knights on horseback,” Pert replied.

Everyone turned to look at Pert for his words were bordering on blasphemy and his tone was disrespectful.

Pert tore at the bread he had been given with his teeth and began to chew slowly.

“Your tongue is as sharp as the serpents,” the Abbot stated with contempt. “With the passing of the years and the hardships you have faced I would have thought you would have learnt by now when to keep your opinions to yourself.”

Pert scoffed and carried on eating.

“He and I never did see eye to eye,” the Abbot explained to Alan and Bernice. “Even as a young knight, he was always opinionated.”

“Pert was a knight?” Alan asked, but the Abbot ignored him.

“Arthur never complained that I was opinionated,” Pert replied.

“No, I don’t suppose he did.”

Pert scoffed again, but the Abbot ignored him.

“Were you there when Arthur died?” Bernice asked.

Alan stood up straighter. He was interested in the Abbot’s answer. Even Pert, he noticed, had stopped chewing and was looking at the Abbot.

“Yes. Bedwyr brought him here. I tried my very best, but the wound was fatal. There was nothing I could do but make his last moments as comfortable as I could. He didn’t want to die. He said there was too much still to do. He breathed his last in this very room.”

“Where is he buried?” Alan asked.

“I am afraid that is a secret,” the Abbot replied. “There are those who would desecrate his grave and steal his body away. Only myself and one other knows where Arthur rests. When will you retrieve the Shield?” The Abbot turned to Pert when he asked this question.

“Tonight, after the castle has fallen asleep.”

“The castle?” Alan asked.

“That is where the Shield is,” Pert stated.

“That is where Percival… I mean that is where Wihtgar said it was as well.”

“Everyone in Wessex knows it is there. They just don’t know where it is,” Pert said matter-of-factly. “Believe me, they have looked. They would kick themselves if they knew where it really was.”

“The best hiding places are the ones in plain view,” the Abbot replied thoughtfully.

“Well you should know, my Lord,” Pert said, rising to his feet and brushing the breadcrumbs from his clothes. “You buried Arthur after all.”

If you would like to find out more, or even, maybe, grab your copy of The Du Lac Prophecy you can find it over on Amazon If you subscribe to #KindleUnlimited then you can read for FREE!

Mary Anne Yarde is a multi-award winning and bestselling author of Historical Fiction, as well as an award-winning blogger. She studied History at Cardiff University and went on to study Equine Science at Warwickshire College.
Mary Anne is a passionate advocate for quality Historical Fiction and founded The Coffee Pot Book Club in 2015 and became a professional Editorial Reviewer in 2016.

Mary Anne's award-winning series, The Du Lac Chronicles, is set a generation after the fall of King Arthur. The Du Lac Chronicles takes you on a journey through Dark Age Britain and Brittany, where you will meet new friends and terrifying foes. Based on legends and historical fact, The Du Lac Chronicles is a series not to be missed

Born in Bath, England, Mary Anne grew up in the southwest of England, surrounded and influenced by centuries of history and mythology. Glastonbury—the fabled Isle of Avalon—was a mere fifteen-minute drive from her home, and tales of King Arthur and his knights were part of her childhood.

Connect with Mary Anne: WebsiteTwitter

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Check out Lois Cahall's fabulous novel, The Many Lives & Loves of Hazel Lavery #HistoricalFiction #BiographicalFiction #WomenInHistory #BlogTour #TheCoffeePotBookClub @LoCahall @cathiedunn

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