Monday, 29 April 2024

Blog Tour - Snarling Wolf: A Pioneer Western Adventure By David Fitz-Gerald

Snarling Wolf: A Pioneer Western Adventure
By David Fitz-Gerald

Publication Date: April 30th, 2024
Publisher: David Fitz-Gerald
Page Length: 229 Pages
Genre: Western, Historical Fiction

Dive back into the gripping, frontier chaos. Snarling Wolf is the fourth adventurous installment in the Ghosts Along the Oregon Trail series.

The famed Snake River marks the point the wagon master claims that all the greenhorns turn loco. After twelve hundred grueling miles and four relentless months on the trail, the expedition teeters on the brink. Frayed nerves, exhausted patience, and the specter of doom cast a dark cloud over the travelers.

At every turn, new dangers emerge. A young man who is like a brother to Dorcas Moon is ravaged in a mountain lion attack. A heat wave grips the dusty, barren plains and spreads sickness. The wolves that lurk in the shadows edge closer. Even the rattlesnakes seem emboldened.

Dorcas' daughter, Rose's descent into madness can no longer be ignored. What began as an eerie preoccupation with death takes a shocking turn when Rose reveals her truths. Dorcas is thrust into a realm of disbelief, and her worst fears about Rose's mysterious suitor become a stark reality.

As weary emigrants yearn for respite, tales of murderous outlaws spread like wildfire across the prairie. Passing strangers share the latest terrifying news. It's only a matter of when, not if, the notorious highwaymen will strike. Which bend of the mighty snake shelters the feared outlaws?

Grab your copy of Snarling Wolf now and unveil the next chapter in Dorcas Moon's relentless saga. Sink your teeth into this tale of survival, madness, and the unyielding spirit of those who brave the treacherous migration.

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David Fitz-Gerald 

David Fitz-Gerald writes westerns and historical fiction. He is the author of twelve books, including the brand-new series, Ghosts Along the Oregon Trail set in 1850. Dave is a multiple Laramie Award, first place, best in category winner; a Blue Ribbon Chanticleerian; a member of Western Writers of America; and a member of the Historical Novel Society.

Alpine landscapes and flashy horses always catch Dave’s eye and turn his head. He is also an Adirondack 46-er, which means that he has hiked to the summit of the range’s highest peaks. As a mountaineer, he’s happiest at an elevation of over four thousand feet above sea level.

Dave is a lifelong fan of western fiction, landscapes, movies, and music. It should be no surprise that Dave delights in placing memorable characters on treacherous trails, mountain tops, and on the backs of wild horses.

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Tuesday, 23 April 2024

Have a sneak-peek between the covers of A Splendid Defiance By Stella Riley, Audiobook performed by Alex Wyndham

A Splendid Defiance
By Stella Riley 
Audiobook performed by Alex Wyndham

Publication Date: 6th December 2012
Publisher:  Stella Riley
Page Length: 371 Pages
Genre:  Historical Fiction / Historical Romance

For two years England has been in the grip of Civil War.  In Banbury, Oxfordshire, the Cavaliers hold the Castle, the Roundheads want it back and the town is full of zealous Puritans.

Consequently, the gulf between Captain Justin Ambrose and Abigail Radford, the sister of a fanatically religious shopkeeper, ought to be unbridgeable.

The key to both the fate of the Castle and that of Justin and Abigail lies in defiance.  But will it be enough?

A Splendid Defiance is a dramatic and enchanting story of forbidden love, set against the turmoil and anguish of the English Civil War.


The Murderous Spy

Mistress Rhodes’ door was slightly ajar.  Justin entered without knocking, closed it behind him and slid the bolt home.  Startled, Anne looked up from the array of powders and potions that littered her table and shot to her feet.
‘How dare you walk in here like this?  Get out!’
Justin gazed meditatively on the bottles and jars. ‘Which one of those contains the belladonna?’
She sensed danger.  ‘What makes you suppose that I have any?’
‘I know you do.’  He began lightly touching them.  ‘Is it this?  Or this?  Abigail Radford is still alive, you know.’
Her eyes had narrowed but she shrugged and said carelessly, ‘I have no idea what you are talking about. And I’d like you to leave.’
‘I daresay.  But I’m going nowhere – and neither are you.  We’re going to have a little chat, you and I.’
‘I have nothing to say to you.’
‘You may think that now – but you’ll have plenty to say before I’m done. Ah no!’  His hand shot out, imprisoning her arm as she attempted to hit him.  ‘That really isn’t a good start.’
She twisted in his hold and brought her free hand up to his face, the nails poised to rip and tear. Justin felled it using the hard edge of his palm.  Then, smiling, he forced her down on the stool.
‘As I said … a little chat about Abby Radford and Tom Mayhew and Sir Samuel Luke.  You see, sweetheart, I know it all – or nearly all – and you are going to tell me the rest.’
‘I’ll see you damned before I tell you anything.  And you’ll never prove it.’
‘Oh but I will,’ he assured her calmly.  ‘You really shouldn’t have poisoned Abby.  Her brother is a little annoyed with you.  And he still has the last letter you trusted him with.’
Shock rendered her temporarily speechless.  Then, her voice losing every vestige of gentility, she said, ‘That bloody little daisy.  I should have seen to him.’
‘I’m sure you’d have got around to it in time.  Why did you kill Tom Mayhew?’
She curbed her rage, aware of the perils of saying too much.
‘I didn’t.’
‘You did.  But not with nightshade.  What did you use?’
‘Nothing.  And that’s all you’ll get from me.’
‘You think so?’  His fingers strayed at random through the clutter of the table until they encountered the bone handle of a small knife. ‘You are taking me for a gentleman and it’s a mistake – particularly now.  For you will talk … one way or another.’  His hand closed on the knife and, turning a glacial smile on her, he added conversationally, ‘I learned a lot at Naseby.’
The blue eyes widened a little. ‘You wouldn’t dare.’
‘No?  You don’t know me very well, do you?  I don’t hold women sacred.  I have known others like you, you see.  And I don’t make empty threats or baulk at soiling my hands when the devil drives.  So you will do well to believe what I say for I’ll use any means I have to, short of actually killing you.  And that is for the law to do.’

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Special Tour Price: Ebook £1.95 / US $1.95 (and equivalent) for the duration of the tour!

Stella Riley 

Winner of four gold medals for historical romance and sixteen Book Readers’ Appreciation Medallions, Stella Riley lives in the beautiful medieval town of Sandwich in Kent.
She is fascinated by the English Civil Wars and has written six books set in that period. These, like the 7 book Rockliffe series, the Brandon Brothers trilogy and, most recently The Shadow Earl, are all available in audio, performed by Alex Wyndham.

Stella enjoys travel, reading, theatre, Baroque music and playing the harpsichord.  She also has a fondness for men with long hair - hence her 17th and 18th century heroes.

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Monday, 22 April 2024

Blog Tour - The Falconer’s Apprentice by Malve von Hassell


The Falconer’s Apprentice
By Malve von Hassell

Publication Date: January 30, 2024 (second edition)
Publisher: Malve von Hassell 
Pages: 214 Pages
Genre: Historical Fiction

THE FALCONER'S APPRENTICE is a story of adventure and intrigue set in the intense social and political unrest of the Holy Roman Empire in the thirteenth century.

“That bird should be destroyed!” 

Andreas stared at Ethelbert in shock. Blood from an angry-looking gash on the young lord’s cheek dripped onto his embroidered tunic. Andreas clutched the handles of the basket containing the young peregrine. Perhaps this was a dream—

Andreas, an apprentice falconer at Castle Kragenberg, cannot bear the thought of killing the young female falcon and smuggles her out of the castle. Soon he realizes that his own time there has come to an end, and he stows away, with the bird, in the cart of an itinerant trader, Richard of Brugge. 

So begins a series of adventures that lead him from an obscure castle in northern Germany to the farthest reaches of Frederick von Hohenstaufen’s Holy Roman Empire, following a path dictated by the wily trader’s mysterious mission. Andreas continues to improve his falconry skills, but he also learns to pay attention to what is happening around him as he travels through areas fraught with political unrest. 

Eventually, Richard confides in Andreas, and they conspire to free Enzio, the eldest of the emperor’s illegitimate sons, from imprisonment in Bologna. 

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The Falconer’s Apprentice

Malve von Hassell 

Malve von Hassell is a freelance writer, researcher, and translator. She holds a Ph.D. in anthropology from the New School for Social Research. Working as an independent scholar, she published The Struggle for Eden: Community Gardens in New York City (Bergin & Garvey 2002) and Homesteading in New York City 1978-1993: The Divided Heart of Loisaida (Bergin & Garvey 1996). She has also edited her grandfather Ulrich von Hassell's memoirs written in prison in 1944, Der Kreis schließt sich - Aufzeichnungen aus der Haft 1944 (Propylaen Verlag 1994). 

She has taught at Queens College, Baruch College, Pace University, and Suffolk County Community College, while continuing her work as a translator and writer. 

Malve has published two children’s picture books, Tooth Fairy (Amazon KDP 2012/2020), and Turtle Crossing (Amazon KDP 2023), and her translation and annotation of a German children’s classic by Tamara Ramsay, Rennefarre: Dott’s Wonderful Travels and Adventures (Two Harbors Press, 2012).

The Falconer’s Apprentice (2015/KDP 2024) was her first historical fiction novel for young adults. She has published Alina: A Song for the Telling (BHC Press, 2020), set in Jerusalem in the time of the crusades, and The Amber Crane (Odyssey Books, 2021), set in Germany in 1645 and 1945, as well as a biographical work about a woman coming of age in Nazi Germany, Tapestry of My Mother’s Life: Stories, Fragments, and Silences (Next Chapter Publishing, 2021), also available in German, Bildteppich Eines Lebens: Erzählungen Meiner Mutter, Fragmente Und Schweigen (Next Chapter Publishing, 2022), and is working on a historical fiction trilogy featuring Adela of Blois. 

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Tuesday, 16 April 2024

Blog Tour - The Viola Factor by Sheridan Brown

The Viola Factor 
By Sheridan Brown

Publication Date: 14th February 2024
Publisher: BookBaby
Pages: 231 Pages
Genre: Historical Fiction

"The Viola Factor" takes place at a time when the country faced division and growth after the American Civil War. Viola Knapp Ruffner (1812-1903) struggled with what was just and fair, becoming a little-known confidant for a young black scholar from Virginia. But Viola was much more than a teacher; she was a mother, wife, game-changer, and friend. With her mother's dying wish, a young woman alone, she left her New England roots. This is a story of trauma and love in the South while battling for justice and the rightful education of the enslaved and once enslaved. African American leader Booker T. Washington (1856-1915) called her his friend and model for life.

The Viola Factor is in many ways a journey of life done in baby steps, tentatively stumbling, until a galloping stride is achieved. Viola Knapp wears different shoes on different days. Heavy, mud-trekking boots to allow for aggressive steps, and daintier shoes for more rhythmic and assertive ones. She was a diligent daughter, an outspoken protector, and a progressive teacher.

Like many women in her situation, alone at seventeen, Viola must realize her own principles to fulfill her future goals. With every stride, Viola Knapp Ruffner marches around surprises, over potholes, and dodges folly after folly on her journey to be fulfilled. After ambling in one direction, plodding along in another, and wandering to find herself, a sudden halt pushes her forward until a factor of fate places her in the path of a newly freed slave with a desire to read and penchant to lead. After years of post-traumatic stress and mental uncoupling, she finds herself a woman who followed her mother's dying wish to fight for what is fair and just.

Pick up your copy HERE!

Sheridan Brown

Sheridan Brown holds advanced degrees in school leadership and is a certified teacher, principal, and educational leader. The arts have always been a central force in her life, since performing in piano recitals, school band, plays, and singing in choirs her whole life. 
Ms. Brown was born in Tennessee and raised in small towns of southwest Virginia. She practiced her profession in Virginia, Massachusetts, and Florida. Upon retirement, she began volunteering, painting, writing, researching, and traveling with her husband, attorney John Crawford. She has one son, Tony Hume. She is GiGi to Aiden and Lucy. She has returned to the Blue Ridge to live and explore.

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Monday, 15 April 2024

Have a sneak-peek between the covers of Find Me in the Stars by Jules Larimore

Find Me in the Stars: 
a Cévenoles Sagas novel - Book Two of the Huguenot Trilogy
By Jules Larimore

Publication Date: 20th March 2024
Publisher: Mystic Lore Books
Page Length: 328 Pages
Genre: Renaissance Historical Fiction / Women’s Fiction

Separated by miles, connected by the stars, two healers forge their destinies in a quest for a brighter tomorrow.

Inspired by a true story, this refugee's tale of sacrifice, separation, and abiding love unfolds in the Cévennes Mountains of Languedoc, France, 1697. A sweeping adventure during the time of Louis XIV's oppressive rule and persecutions, this compelling narrative follows the intertwined destinies of two remarkable protagonists, Amelia Auvrey, a mystic holy-woman healer, and Jehan BonDurant, an apothecary from a noble Huguenot family, in a riveting tale of enduring love, faith, and the search for light in the darkest of times. 

Amelia and Jehan are fierce champions of tolerance and compassion in their cherished Cévenole homeland, a region plagued by renewed persecution of Huguenots. The escalated danger forces their paths to diverge, each embarking on their own dangerous journey toward survival and freedom. The Knights Hospitaller provide protection and refuge for Amelia and her ailing sage-femme grandmother, even as they come under suspicion of practicing witchcraft. And, to avoid entanglement in a brewing rebellion, Jehan joins a troupe of refugees who flee to the Swiss Cantons seeking sanctuary—a journey that challenges his faith and perseverance. Jehan arrives to find things are not as he expected; the Swiss have their own form of intolerance, and soon immigrants are no longer welcome. The utopian Eden he seeks remains elusive until he learns of a resettlement project in the New World. 

During their time apart, Amelia and Jehan rely on a network of booksellers to smuggle secret letters to each other—until the letters mysteriously cease, casting doubt on their future together. Jehan is unclear if Amelia will commit to joining him, or if she will hold fast to her vow of celibacy and remain in the Cévennes. Seemingly ill-fated from the start, their love is tested to its limits as they are forced to navigate a world where uncertainty and fear threaten to eclipse their unwavering bond. 

As a stand-alone sequel to the award-winning The Muse of Freedom, a bestseller in Renaissance Fiction, Find Me in the Stars is based on true events in the life of Jean Pierre Bondurant dit Cougoussac--an unforgettable adventure where love and light endure against all odds.


30 September 1697

Hospitaller Commandery, Mont Lauzère, France   

As Amelia climbed the rise toward the commandery’s threshing grange, she pinned her veil to secure it against the wind. Then, retrieving Jehan’s cravate from her pocket, she draped it around her shoulders, ensuring it was tucked securely into her bodice. She leaned her head toward her shoulder and inhaled deeply, taking in his scent. The rousing musk that lingered on the soft linen set her heart to beating like the wings of a hummingbird in search of nectar, and it quickened her pace as she strode. 

Up the dusty road ahead, the sound of clanking chains and creaky wheels filled the air as a team of oxen toiled to pull a cart laden with sheaves of wheat. The boy leading them motioned her around. She lifted her skirts, dug her toes into the soil, and sprung forward, making haste to pass. Dodging several squawking chickens, she darted up the ramp to the grange.

Immense doors on each end of the building had been propped open to welcome in the wind and sun. Just inside, other boys were unbinding sheaves and spreading them about the floor, while several men and women flailed the stalks to separate grain from husk.

The miller stood by at the opposite end of the grange, overseeing the workers as they sang out a time-honored harvest song. It was a beautiful ritual to behold; flails rhythmically swinging up then whistling down with a blow, all in rapid succession, the older women moving in with pitchforks and brooms to rake up the grain and load it into the winnowers’ baskets.

Amelia’s face lit into a smile when she saw how the winnowers worked those enormous baskets—woven into a flat roundish form with handles, enabling them to master the strong wind to do their bidding as it blew through the grange. Generations of ingenuity had been handed down from their Gabali Celtae ancestors into this mesmerizing dance that had shaped their culture for centuries.

She took joy in the harmony of it all—their voices and their movements—but she couldn’t just stand by and watch without aiding them in some way. Surely the miller had a task for her. Yet, if she entered from this side, she risked interrupting the work, or worse, getting caught in the swing of a flail. It would be easier to reach him by circling the outside of the grange, so she retraced her steps back out the front door and ran around the great stone edifice. 

When she stopped at the foot of the rear ramp to catch her breath, someone in the distance shouted out her name. She turned but, with the bright sun in the midday sky, she could not make out the group downhill near the Hospitallers’ manoir house. As she shaded her eyes with her hands, she could see it was Commandeur Timoleon with three young women she did not recognize. So she swept up her skirts and took off running toward them.

It was a wonderful sensation of freedom. Flying, soaring down the hillside through the golden late summer grass and heather. She sorely needed the release. If she couldn’t scamper safely through her beloved forest near Castelbouc, at least the grounds of the commandery were hers to roam unrestrained.

She slowed her pace as she grew nearer, taking long, deep breaths to still her wild soul and present herself with more composure.

“Mademoiselle Amelia. I am pleased for you to meet our new novices.” The Commandeur motioned to the dark-haired girl on his right. “Mademoiselle Griselle from Causse de Sauveterre.”

Amelia nodded to the girl, a woeful sight with matted raven hair, threadbare clothing, and skin darkened by many days in the sun. She seemed close to fourteen years of age, the time of womanhood and quite late to be joining as a novice. But by the grim, brooding expression on her face, perhaps she was still under her age of emancipation, and her consignment was not of her own volition.

“You come from far away, Griselle. Welcome.” 

“And Henriette.” Timoleon held a hand toward the tall, slender, burgeoning woman near the same age as Griselle, with bright blue eyes and flaxen hair neatly pinned under a white coif.

Henriette rested her hand on the shoulder of the small girl next to her. “And this is my sister Jacquette. We are from Pont-de-Montvert.”

There was no mistaking that the two were sisters. Were it not for the difference in their height and shape, and the six or seven years difference in age, Amelia would not be able to tell them apart.

“They lost their mother a few years ago and have been pleading with their father to join our order.” Commandeur Timoleon raised his brows and rolled his eyes toward Jacquette with a chortle. “Most especially Mademoiselle Jacquette here.”

The tiny girl stepped one foot forward and raised her arm high. “Yes, so I can be a chevalière! My père is gathering papers to show we are noblesse. I want to ride like the wind into the Holy Land and be a great protector,“ she exclaimed. 

Amelia smiled, thinking of the joy this strong-minded, brave girl would bring to the community. “Are you ladies ready to take a vow of chastity, as have I? Perhaps one day the women here will outnumber the men and, perhaps, the good Commandeur will let you take on some of their roles.” Amelia gave Timoleon a congenial grin as he stood silent, holding back his amusement at her proposal, eyes wide and smiling.

“What I would like the ladies to concentrate on first . . . before we discover the roles they are destined for . . . is perfecting their skills in the kitchen, and spinning and weaving. These are the most vital and revered tasks any Hospitaller can take on, second only to our devotion to God.”

Griselle stepped closer to Amelia. “I don’t know if I want to take the vow. I only know I want to heal people.” The look in her dark eyes was almost one of desperation as she reached out toward Amelia. “Commandeur Timoleon says you possess much knowledge on herbs and medicinals. I want to be the best healer in all of Gévaudan.” 

“We cannot keep Amelia much longer,” said Timoleon. “She has a guest waiting in the Great Hall.”

Amelia could not imagine who it would be. “A guest?”

“Our friend, Monsieur Cavalier.”  

“Cavalier! Does he have word from Jehan? It has been barely a week. Could he have made it to the Swiss cantons already?”

“No. ‘Tis too soon to hear any news. Yet he brings us word on what is going on outside of the safety of our commandery. From what he speaks of, it is more important than ever that you young women only leave the commandery on assigned errands. And that you are escorted by at least one of my knights at all times.”

“Of course,” said Henriette.

Little Jacquette stood at attention. “Yes, most certainly!”

As Amelia turned to leave, Griselle clutched at her sleeve as though grasping for her last hope, a mere tadpole struggling to pull itself up onto the shore. “Wait . . . promise me you will be back soon. I want to learn your secrets.”

Amelia pulled her arm gently away. “Yes, later. I must go for now. Cavalier and I have much to discuss.”

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Jules Larimore

Jules Larimore is the author of emotive, literary-leaning historical fiction with a dose of magic, myth, and romance to bring to life hopeful human stories and inspire positive change. She is a member of France’s Splendid Centuries authors’ collaborative, a board member of the Historical Novel Society of Southern California, and lives primarily in Ojai with time spent around the U.S. and Europe gathering a rich repository of historical research in a continued search for authenticity.

Author Links:

Sunday, 14 April 2024

Have a sneak-peek between the covers of Yellow Bird’s Song by Heather Miller

 Yellow Bird’s Song
By Heather Miller 

Publication Date: March 19th, 2024
Publisher: Historium Press
Pages: 370 Pages
Genre: Historical Fiction

Rollin Ridge, a mercurial figure in this tribal tale, makes a fateful decision in 1850, leaving his family behind to escape the gallows after avenging his father and grandfather’s brutal assassinations. With sin and grief packed in his saddlebags, he and his brothers head west in pursuit of California gold, embarking on a journey marked by hardship and revelation. Through letters sent home, Rollin uncovers the unrelenting legacy of his father’s sins, an emotional odyssey that delves deep into his Cherokee history.

The narrative’s frame transports readers to the years 1827-1835, where Rollin’s parents, Cherokee John Ridge and his white wife, Sarah, stumble upon a web of illicit slave running, horse theft, and whiskey dealings across Cherokee territory. Driven by a desire to end these inhumane crimes and defy the powerful pressures of Georgia and President Andrew Jackson, John Ridge takes a bold step by running for the position of Principal Chief, challenging the incumbent, Chief John Ross. The Ridges face a heart-wrenching decision: to stand against discrimination, resist the forces of land greed, and remain on their people’s ancestral land, or to sign a treaty that would uproot an entire nation, along with their family.


John Rollin Ridge, Mount Shasta Gold Mines, California, 1851

In the many dawns that followed, I took great pains for numbness. Lit the candle mount on my hat with clay-stained hands. Followed my lantern underground, tracing lingering sulfur air singed from blasts of dynamite. I followed the stench willingly, hand braced against embedded veins of iron ore. Work too brutal for shale so brittle.

With pickaxe supine, I heaved the miner’s tool in relentless rhythm against ribs of bedrock. Amidst such brainless work, my memory sparked in flashes against the limestone and gneiss. 

Tragedy struck. 

I woke again that dawn, heard the banging of the door, the clank of the broken lock, the scuffle of men’s feet across the wooden floor. Overlapping cries, some in anger, some with fear. Papa’s “Wait.” Mama’s “No.” And in drops like the sweat down my back, the warriors steadily spit their threats. “Treaty,” they said. “Traitor,” they said. “Trail,” they said. “Tears.”

Man against nature, in tedious monotony, I rose, hands sliding to grip, overlapping, and thwack. Axe teetering at the fulcrum point then, the collapse. First, a chink, then, the fall of sharp severs that buried my boots. Rocks rang as I bellowed, “Let him go. Leave him be.” No one heard me then; no one heard me now. 

I threw my axe underfoot and grabbed the drill rod and hammer. Shadows and sunlight. Men against man, the war party carried him outside. Mama’s hands held me behind her. Mask and kerchief kept her from him. 

Beat and turn. Arms pound and burn. They stabbed. Twenty-seven. Twenty-eight. The arrowhead on the bowie knife. Twenty-nine. They stole his breath, walked single file across his body. Mama in blood-soaked white. Papa raised himself to speak. Air escaped. No words.

This man warred against his thoughts. My mind couldn’t separate Papa’s visage in life after seeing him pale with death. His blood oozed through a winding sheet and fell, drop by drop on the floor. By his side sat my mother, with hands clasped in speechless agony. Bending over him was his own afflicted mother, with her long, white hair flung loose over her shoulders and bosom, crying to the Great Spirit to sustain her.8 I lost time to such futility. With buckets in tow, I surfaced, tracing limestone serpentine toward the sun, sonless.

At the time, we scarcely knew our loss.9 The same day Papa died, Grandfather was ambushed, shot in the back. Uncle Elias’ head was beaten in by lying men.

After so many voiced condolences and unvoiced threats, Mother sent me away. And my life sped behind never-ending coach windows, taking me to my grandparents’ house, the Northrups in Massachusetts, to study Latin and Greek in Great Barrington’s classrooms. Years later, another coach returned me, much slower, to Arkansas, to Washbourne’s lawbooks, to Lizzie and her mountain lion. Canoe rides. Our wedding. Holding Alice. Erecting cabin walls. Planting corn, wheat. Killing Kell. Papa’s letter. Mama. I hacked through it all. But more rock lay ahead, despite all my efforts to touch the golden reprieve on the other side.

Inside my mind, their faces remained, not the books I’d read or the places I’d lived. Papa’s letter said he wished to live for his own sake, his wife and children’s sake, and for the sake of his race. He’d said the sacrifice of his life was the consequence of his choices; he had already put his life in danger and contingently given it up. Must I learn the same lesson, realize the same, and die searching for repose and refuge? My pan was still light, even after sifting endless piles of rock for specks shining under the muted earth. 

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Heather Miller 

As a veteran English teacher and college professor, Heather has spent nearly thirty years teaching her students the author’s craft. Now, with empty nest time on her hands, she’s writing herself, transcribing lost voices in American’s history.

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Thursday, 11 April 2024

Have a sneak -peek between the covers of The Dartington Bride by Rosemary Griggs

The Dartington Bride
By Rosemary Griggs
Audiobook narrated by Rosemary Griggs

Publication Date: 28th March 2024
Publisher: Troubador Publishing
Page Count: 368 Pages
Genre: Historical Fiction

1571, and the beautiful, headstrong daughter of a French Count marries the son of the Vice Admiral of the Fleet of the West in Queen Elizabeth’s chapel at Greenwich. It sounds like a marriage made in heaven...

Roberda’s father, the Count of Montgomery, is a prominent Huguenot leader in the French Wars of Religion. When her formidable mother follows him into battle, she takes all her children with her.

After a traumatic childhood in war-torn France, Roberda arrives in England full of hope for her wedding. But her ambitious bridegroom, Gawen, has little interest in taking a wife.

Received with suspicion by the servants at her new home, Dartington Hall in Devon, Roberda works hard to prove herself as mistress of the household and to be a good wife. But there are some who will never accept her as a true daughter of Devon.

After the St Bartholomew’s Day Massacre, Gawen’s father welcomes Roberda’s family to Dartington as refugees. Compassionate Roberda is determined to help other French women left destitute by the wars. But her husband does not approve. Their differences will set them on an extraordinary path...


November 1573–1574

He hesitated on the threshold so I called out, gay as you please, ‘Come, husband. Is our daughter not the most beautiful babe you ever saw?’ But Gawen made no move. His eyes were fixed on the swaddled baby as I lay back on the pillows in the bed we had shared. 
A slow grin spread across his face, a flash of pride and wonder as he looked at our little girl. He reached into the cradle, touched the tiny fingers and sighed. But then he straightened up, and gave his shoulders a little shake as though he had just remembered something. When next he spoke stern lines had chased away the joyful countenance of a new father. 
‘Looks as red and wrinkled as any newborn babe to me!’ he answered gruffly, pulling his fingers through his disordered hair. ‘I rode hard to be here in time, thinking to welcome my son.’ My head jerked up as though he had struck me. 
‘She is a fine healthy child and we are young. Boys will follow,’ I snapped. 
‘Hmph! Perhaps... I leave at first light,’ was the only reply he gave. 
‘So soon? Why?’
‘Walsingham has need of me.’ 
‘Walsingham? So you go to France?’ 
‘Walsingham was recalled months ago,’ he sighed wearily. A vein stood out at his temple, a sure sign Gawen was not in a good mood. ‘He’s to be appointed to the Privy Council and made Principal Secretary to the queen. ’Twill be interesting to see how that goes!’ He flopped into a seat by the window. 
‘Why? What do you mean?’ 
‘She laughs at his sober ways and labels him a rank Puritan. Even calls him her moor for his dark dress. We’ll see some sparks fly, no doubt.’ Gawen looked up and gave me a gloomy stare. ‘Dale is the new ambassador in Paris. I can’t say what that may mean for me.’ 
‘I’m sure you’d rather be aboard ship,’ I answered and then, casting around for safer ground, ‘Jacques said your mission to relieve La Rochelle went well.’ 
‘Jacques! Pah! That fool!’ he exploded, tapping his fingers on the windowsill. ‘I expect he’s told you a fine tale!’ 
‘That your fleet took prizes but was forced back by bad weather,’ I answered. 
‘The truth of it is that your father blundered!’ he growled as his chin went up. ‘Completely misjudged the strength of the French fleet that opposed us. We had to turn tail and run for Belle Isle! Put into Plymouth briefly, after that on to Jersey.’ 
I remembered how he hadn’t even bothered to come to see me while he was in Plymouth. 
‘Pah!’ he exclaimed again. ‘The relief of La Rochelle was no great success and I will forever be associated with it.’ He crossed his arms over his chest. ‘It will be the other Champernowne who is remembered there. Henry! The heroic soldier who would die for his cause, not Gawen the failed sea captain who ran before the wind.’ Gawen’s expression became even harder and I could see the tension in his shoulders. With sudden clarity I understood how dark a shadow Henry Champernowne had cast over my husband’s young life. I ached to soothe his hurt, if only his pride would allow it. 
‘I’ve got your father to thank for that disaster. It will forever hang round my neck! And on top of that he sent your brother to William of Orange, not me!’ A sudden cloud blotted out the sun, pitching Gawen into murky shadow. I shifted my position on the bed and waited for him to speak again. 
‘Your father’s plans for the next sally had better be good,’ he said at last. 
‘What, more war? I thought after La Rochelle there was another peace agreement in France?’ 
‘It only grants limited freedom of worship to Protestants; only within three towns, and even then only in their own homes. Not enough to satisfy your father and others like him.’ 
‘So what does it mean for you? Will you be able to come home to Dartington?’ 
‘I doubt it. I must report to Walsingham. He might want me to keep watch on your father.’ 
‘You would spy on my papa?’ I snapped the question at him and he leaped up and crossed the room. With a face like thunder he picked up Diane the doll and turned her over in his hands, then looked at me. I shifted on the bed. I could feel Gawen’s angry eyes boring right through me, dissolving the spark of sympathy I’d felt for him just a moment earlier. 
‘Pah! French fripperies!’ he snorted as he set the doll down. ‘Spy on your father? You could say that, I suppose. They might send me to France to act as messenger boy again, but I’d far rather fight. Better still, I’d rather sail with Francis Drake.’ I sighed. So he’s still going on about that jumped-up sea captain …

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Rosemary Griggs

Author and speaker Rosemary Griggs has been researching Devon’s sixteenth-century history for years. She has discovered a cast of fascinating characters and an intriguing network of families whose influence stretched far beyond the West Country and loves telling the stories of the forgotten women of history – the women beyond the royal court; wives, sisters, daughters and mothers who played their part during those tumultuous Tudor years: the Daughters of Devon. 
Her novel A Woman of Noble Wit tells the story of Katherine Champernowne, Sir Walter Raleigh’s mother, and features many of the county’s well-loved places. 
Rosemary creates and wears sixteenth-century clothing, a passion which complements her love for bringing the past to life through a unique blend of theatre, history and re-enactment. Her appearances and talks for museums and community groups all over the West Country draw on her extensive research into sixteenth-century Devon, Tudor life and Tudor dress, particularly Elizabethan. 
Out of costume, Rosemary leads heritage tours of the gardens at Dartington Hall, a fourteenth-century manor house and now a visitor destination and charity supporting learning in arts, ecology and social justice.

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