Tuesday, 3 December 2024

Check out Lake of Widows by Liza Perrat #HistoricalFiction #WomensFiction #DualTimeline #HistoricalFrenchFiction #BlogTour #TheCoffeePotBookClub @cathiedunn

Lake of Widows 
By Liza Perrat

Publication Date: 19/10/2024
Publisher: Perrat Publishing
Pages: 345 Pages
Genre: Historical Women’s Fiction

Three women. One shared struggle. Can they survive? 

1970. When Adrienne Chevalier’s perfect life in a chic quartier of Lyon unravels, she flees to rural Sainte-Marie-du-Lac to escape her controlling husband, Emile.

Taking refuge at the idyllic L’Auberge de Léa, Adrienne befriends Blanche Larue, who is herself trapped by her husband’s infidelity. Adrienne begins to understand the subtle strictures that keep women chained across generations.

But to what diabolical lengths will Emile go to reclaim his wife? And can Blanche find the courage to choose truth over appearances?

1914. Suzanne Rossignol bids farewell to her beloved husband as he marches off to war. Through Suzanne’s journal entries, Adrienne discovers that the damaged soldier who returns from the trenches is a stranger, leaving Suzanne to navigate a home-front battlefield.

Join Adrienne, Blanche and Suzanne on their emotional journeys amidst the tranquil French countryside as they fight to escape the shackles of tradition and abuse. Their stories, bridging half a century, are bound by a timeless struggle.

A heart-wrenching blend of historical and women’s fiction, Lake of Widows explores the complexities of marriage, family secrets and self-discovery in 20th-century France.

Perfect for fans of Kristin Hannah and Kelly Rimmer.

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Liza Perrat

Liza grew up in Wollongong, Australia, where she worked as a general nurse and midwife.
After meeting her French husband on a bus in Bangkok in 1988 and, three children and many pets later, she has now been living in a rural village in France for thirty years.

She works part-time as a medical translator, and editor, and as a novelist.

For newsletter signups, Liza offers her award-winning short story collection for free: Friends and Other Strangers: https://books2read.com/u/mleND9

Conect with Liza:

Sunday, 1 December 2024

Check out A Woman Scorned by Marcia Clayton #HistoricalFiction #FamilySaga #Victorian #HistoricalRomance #BlogTour #TheCoffeePotBookClub @MarciaC89111861 @cathiedunn

A Woman Scorned
By Marcia Clayton

 Publication Date: 18th October 2024
Publisher: Sunhillow Publishing
Pages: 334 Pages
Genre: Historical Fiction / Family Saga / Historical Romance

1886 North Devon, England

Lady Lilliana Grantley has been seriously ill with typhoid, a disease that recently claimed her husband Edgar’s life and that of his long-time lover, Rosemary Gibbs. Now recovering at last, the lady wastes no tears on her husband but is determined to wreak revenge on his two illegitimate children.

Embarrassed for years by his affair with Rosemary, a childhood sweetheart living nearby, she has falsely accused Sir Edgar’s daughter, Millicent, of the theft of a precious brooch and wants to see her jailed or hung.

Fortunately for Millie and her little brother, Jonathan, their granny, Emily, insisted they leave home as soon as she heard of Sir Edgar’s death, for she knew his widow would seek revenge. The old lady was soon proved right, and Lady Lilliana, furious the two youngsters were nowhere to be found, evicted the old woman despite the fact she, too, was dangerously ill.

After a long and hazardous journey to North Devon, Millie and Jonathan were united with some long-lost family members who made them welcome and gave them a home. However, aware that Lady Lilliana has put a price on Millie’s head, they know they are not yet out of danger. Despite this, they are determined to find their granny, Emily, who seems to have disappeared.

Aided by her long-time lover, Sir Clive Robinson, Lady Lilliana is determined to find Millie and Jonnie and get them out of her life once and for all, but how far will the embittered woman go?


Rosa Baker’s hip was hurting, and she decided it was time to visit the bakery and enjoy a cake and a cup of tea before catching the train home. She usually enjoyed her weekly shopping trip, but it was becoming ever harder, and she wondered how much longer she would be able to manage it. She entered the busy tearoom and was pleased to see her favourite table by the window was unoccupied.

The lady behind the counter noticed the weary expression on Rosa’s face and, smiling brightly, told Rosa to sit down and that she would bring the refreshments to her.

“There we are, my dear. You seem a little tired this morning. Is everything all right?”

“Oh, thanks, Mary; bless you. Yes, but my hip is painful, and I had to rest. I’ll sit here now and read the newspaper until it’s time for my train if that’s all right with you.”

“Yes, of course. You’re one of our regulars; you sit there as long as you like.”

Rosa, thankfully, took a sip of her tea and bit into the piece of fruit cake she treated herself to every Friday. Reaching into her shopping bag, she retrieved her newspaper and spread it on the table before her. She read a few articles with interest, but as she turned the page, she was horrified to see another advertisement offering a reward for information leading to the apprehension of Millicent and Jonathan Gibbs. Fortunately, there were no photographs, but the detailed description would make them easily identifiable. The reward had been doubled to twenty guineas, a small fortune, and the old woman knew many would be tempted. She feared for the youngsters and hoped they had reached their destination in Hartford safely and had been taken in by their relatives.

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Marcia Clayton

Marcia Clayton writes historical fiction with a sprinkling of romance and mystery in a heart-warming family saga that stretches from the Regency period through to Victorian times.

A farmer’s daughter, Marcia was born in North Devon, a rural and picturesque area in the far South West of England. When she left school at sixteen, Marcia worked in a bank for several years until she married her husband, Bryan, and then stayed at home for a few years to care for her three sons, Stuart, Paul and David. 
As the children grew older, Marcia enrolled in a secretarial course, which led to an administrative post at the local college. Marcia progressed through various jobs at the college and, when working as a Transport Project Coordinator, was invited to 10 Downing Street to meet Tony Blair, the then Prime Minister. Marcia later worked for the local authority as the Education Transport Manager for Devon County Council and remained there until her retirement.

Now a grandmother, Marcia enjoys spending time with her family and friends. She’s a keen researcher of family history, and this hobby inspired some of the characters in her books. A keen gardener, Marcia grows many of her own vegetables. She is also an avid reader and enjoys historical fiction, romance, and crime books.

Marcia has written six books in the historical family saga, "The Hartford Manor Series". You can also read her free short story, "Amelia", a spin-off tale from the first book, "The Mazzard Tree", by downloading the story here: https://marciaclayton.co.uk/amelia-free-download/ 

In addition to writing books, Marcia produces blogs to share with her readers in a monthly newsletter. If you would like to join Marcia’s mailing list, you can subscribe here: https://marciaclayton.co.uk/

Connect with Marcia:

Tour Schedule

Check out Ghost Encounters: The Lingering Spirits of North Devon By Helen Hollick with Kathy Hollick #GhostEncounters #Ghosts #NorthDevon #FriendlyGhosts #BlogTour #TheCoffeePotBookClub @HelenHollick @cathiedunn

  Ghost Encounters:  The Lingering Spirits of North Devon By Helen Hollick with Kathy Hollick Publication Date: 27th February 2025 Publisher...