Monday, 18 April 2016

Author Interview - Mel RJ Smith @melrjsmith

It is with the greatest of pleasure that I welcome author, Mel RJ Smith, on to the blog today, to talk about books, life and everything in between.

First, lets start with the book...
He was born in the sixties, grew up in the seventies, became a man in the eighties and threw everything away in the twenty first century.  

"Life... Where do you start? Oh, much before the days of computers, brick-sized mobiles, mobiles you could fit into the palm of your hand, social networking and, of course, not forgetting texting.....

Technology..... That was the downfall of everything

 2012 - It started with a text..."

I am Mel Smith. I am just an ordinary guy.


Hi Mel, it is so great to have you on the blog. Now lets get cracking with the interview...!
MY :  Could you tell us a little bit about your journey to becoming a published author.

MS:  I started writing my first book “Memoirs of an Ordinary Guy” in the 80’s I got as far as the first paragraph. Then in 2012 I found the scrap of paper and started again. I finally self published in 2015 and just about to release a novella titled “A Time for Adventure”

MY : Wow! You have had quite a journey to becoming a published author. What does your average ‘writing day’ look like?
Writing, editing, marketing and promoting are my main objectives, in between work and family life of course.

MY: Yes, that about sums it up for me too! Are there any authors that you particualary admire?  

MS: Jack Higgins has to be one of my favourites, I love his writing style and the stories based on the troubles in Ireland.

MY: Could you tell us what you are currently working on?

MS: My current ventures are “Escape” an adventure thriller based on a civil war up rising in the UK. 

“The Photographer” an innuendo fuelled comedy and “Hoppy Lottie” a children's picture book.

MY: That sounds really exciting. There are many aspiring authors out there.  What advice would you give them?

        MS: Never give up on your dream.
        MY: I couldn't agree with you more. The general perception of authors, I have  found, is that they are cat owners, who drink a lot of coffee. Is this true for you?

MS: Coffee, yes and Tea but as for the cat, no but I do have a dog, Billy or Billy bad breath as he is known and he will also be playing a part in “Hoppy Lottie”

MY: I don't have a cat either! Could you describe your 'perfect' day?

MS: To be Honest my three favourite pastimes are writing, photography and golf. So if I didn't have to work for a living my day would involve all three.

MY: I love photography too - although I am sure you are much better at it than me! What is your biggest vice?

MS: My brain. It's always active.

MY: If you could meet anyone from the past, who would it be and why?

MS: I guess I should say someone like Gandhi or Dickens but no, it would be my grandparents as they all passed before I was born.

MY: Lastly, where do you see yourself in five years? 
MS: On a golf course with my camera thinking about my next story and then a renowned author.

MY : Thank you so much Mel, for coming on to the blog and answering my questions. It has been great fun!

 Coming soon....

The first in Gerry MacNeil's time travel adventures. It was just a typical English September day in 1984 for Gerry MacNeil. Taking a day out from work with a lesuirly game of golf he unexpectedly finds himself thrust into a world of adventure. It's here, after receiving a knock from a stray golf ball, that Gerry encounters Eloise Ponsonby, not in 1984 but instead he finds himself back in time and its 1928. Mixing fiction with real life characters and events, Mel RJ Smith creates a rip-roaring tale of gun-running, gangsters and love.

 Where can I buy Memoirs of an Ordinary Guy?


About the author
Mel RJ Smith is the author of his debut story Memoirs of an Ordinary Guy, described by his fan base as 'Hilarious and such a hard book to put down.'
He also has a love for poetry and has written in various genres, one of which won him a competition for a National Newspaper during the 1970's.
His forthcoming Novel / Novella, A Time for Adventure is due to be released in the latter half of 2015. Currently in the hands of his editor who described it as 'A great read.'

Mel was born in Wallingford, Berkshire in 1964 and was the youngest of seven siblings. At the tender age of five, his family moved to Basingstoke and started life dwelling in a Nissen hut, before spending several months living with relations in a Split-level, end Terraced house, becoming a household of approximately sixteen. Seeing sense, the council allocated the Smith's their very own house on a newly built housing estate, often referred to as part of the 'London overspill.'

Educated with comprehensive schooling and trying his hand at various career options during his early years, Mel finally embarked on a career in hospitality, where he works to this day in Peterborough, as a Night Manager for a major Hotel chain.

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